Home » On Monday there will be the sixth consecutive increase in gasoline in Cali

On Monday there will be the sixth consecutive increase in gasoline in Cali

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On Monday there will be the sixth consecutive increase in gasoline in Cali

Cali and the cities of Colombia starting Monday May 1st they must prepare their pocket to face the sixth consecutive monthly increase in gasoline rates.

A reality that considerably worries the citizens of Cali, especially due to the statements of the recently appointed Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonilla.

The new head of the portfolio assured that gasoline prices in our country will sustain the rise until they reach the international price, that is, according to his calculations.about $16,000 per gallon.

Of course, Bonilla clarified that this goal would be achieved in approximately three years; However, the reaction of the majority of drivers in the capital of the Valley has been rejection of this possibility.

Position of the Ministry of Finance:

“The fiscal rule depends on the size of the country’s GDP and the size of the public budget with which the country’s GDP is acted on. The country’s GDP today means that the public sector is approximately a quarter of the economy, that quarter of the economy is going to be maintained, we are not going to overspend, which is what has to do with the fiscal rule , but there is an issue that is absolutely necessary to put back on the agenda, it is the FECP deficit, that is, the gasoline deficit that we have left at more than 30 billion pesos and that we have to cover, that is really the factor that most threatens the stability of the fiscal rule”, Bonilla explained to Noticias Caracol.

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“That means that gasoline prices are going to have to keep going up and it makes it harder for us to control inflation. We already know that food inflation is going down, but gasoline inflation is going up, it is being maintained and that is what is going to affect us throughout the year”, he added.
For their part, the drivers and members of unions dedicated to transporting people rejected this measure:

“I don’t know how far we’re going to go. She had promised us other things and we see that everything goes up and up in price without control. This is getting worse. Gasoline goes up every time and we who work with fuel are affected,” said Heriberto Hinestroza, a taxi driver.


1. Beginning in April of this year, the total value of a gallon of gasoline was $11,611 pesos.

2. In order for the deficit of the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund to be reduced, the value of gasoline will have to increase for 13 months.

3. The increase in gasoline will be carried out with an average of $400 pesos per month; In relation to the month of March 2022, until the month of April fuel has risen in Cali a total of $2,208 pesos.


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