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Polls, the Democratic Party is over 20 percent: color matching is good for Schlein

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Polls, the Democratic Party is over 20 percent: color matching is good for Schlein

Elly Schlein, thanks to the image advice of her personal shopper, also does well in the polls

I advice from the color matcherpaid lavishly – about 300 euros per hour – seem to bear its first fruits Elly Schlein. According to the latest Supermedia YouTrend/breaking latest news survey, which brings together over 20 surveys published in the last two weeks by 12 institutes, the fittest political force seems to be the Democratic partywhich rises by almost a point in two weeks and returns above 20%. It’s about the best figure for the centre-left since 25 Septemberwith a 25,7% driven almost entirely by the Pd. Perhaps gradual growth, but certainly stable and promoting, which in some ways is surprising if we consider that this flow is due precisely to the new dem secretary judged by many “too radical“.

Read also: “The color scheme? Schlein wants to soften his extreme image”

Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda come out defeated in the polls

On the other hand, those who go down in free fall are the so-called Third Pole. Or rather, what is left of it after the break between Matthew Renzi e Charles Calenda. Not surprisingly, the Supermedia survey returns to provide separate estimates for Action e Italy alive, thanks to the fact that almost all the opinion poll institutes considered (with the exception of Ipsos) surveyed them separately. Thus, while Action di Calenda is slightly above the 4%Italia Viva stands at a more modest level for now 2,4%. At this point, it is probable that the end of the union between Calenda and Renzi has contributed to a sort of “mini exodus towards the Pda type of “homecomingā€ if we consider that both leaders – as well as many of their respective voters – come from that party.

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Stable consensus for the party that leads Italy

Meanwhile, it remains in first place Brothers of Italy Of Giorgia Meloniwhich records a slight growth: it is al 28,7% (+0.1). As for the other center-right parties, however, there is a decline. There Lega driven by Matthew Salvini loses ground with a -0.1 which brings Carroccio to 8.9% (-0.1), while Come on Italy Of Silvio Berlusconi it is now at 7.2% (-0.1). Salt instead the 5 Star Movement Of Joseph Contewhich rises to 15.9% (+0.1).

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