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This time there was no miracle

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This time there was no miracle

Losing at home against Central Córdoba in Santiago del Estero, like beating Boca at La Bombonera, is part of the general rule of law in a Professional League Tournament where, with the exception of River (and even just there), no team stands out from the rest. It can happen.

But when the ‘what’ gives way to the ‘how’, to the analysis of the causes of a result, the disappointment and discontent that the Instituto fans made evident last night in Alta Córdoba, after the defeat 0, began to be understood a little more -2 of ‘La Gloria’ against the very discreet squad commanded by Leonardo Madelón.

“And who would you have put?” The spontaneous question arose a few meters from the ‘Monumental’, while the fans hurried the exit and tried to digest the numbers of this confusing present: one point out of nine in the last three presentations, the last two as host. It was evident that Lucas Bovaglio, the DT of the white-and-red cast, had not found a way around a match that, in the previous one, the institutes partials considered that they had to win “yes or yes.”

Central Córdoba celebrated the victory as if they had won the world final in Qatar. It was not for less, taking into account that he had accumulated three games without adding the three points and that continuing the streak could complicate him in the discussion for permanence.

He reached him with little, just two Lucas, to win the greatest prize: take advantage of the insecurity that the Instituto fund exhibited throughout the game (1-0 from Gamba) and, dedicated to endurance in the final minutes, hitting a counterattack to put him limit to uncertainty (2-0 from Besozzi).

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The story could have been different if in the previous play Joaquín Varela scored the last goal of the tie, as against Banfield. Played by played, Bovaglio had lit a candle on the Uruguayan’s head, but this time there was no miracle. The defender failed to send him, one meter from the goal that Marcos Ledesma defended without providing too many guarantees, although with few surprises.

LITTLE AND NOTHING. Central Córdoba took advantage of Instituto’s defensive weaknesses; Gloria had no ideas in attack. /// PHOTO: CEDOC PROFILE

repeated play

The touch-ups in the second half were not only late (the ‘double five’ hadn’t made sense for a long time, in a midfield that couldn’t connect with the forwards), but also insufficient. Recently at a disadvantage, the red-and-white coach disarmed the Bochi-Linares tandem to add another striker (the erratic and resistant Lucas Albertengo) and switched to Paraguayan Juan Franco to try better projections on the right side with Giuliano Cerato.

While they made Institute’s attack wider, the changes didn’t add clarity. The repeated search from the center to the pot made the task easier for him by the populated visiting fund. Even so, ‘Maravilla’ Martínez had an unbeatable chance, with a scissors that made the ball hit the crossbar. If it had been a goal, the play would have fit the nickname of his executor like a glove.

The subsequent arrivals of Nicolás Barrientos and Braian Cuello did not solve the creative deficiencies of a formation that does not have a Garro or a Zapelli -to cite the examples that we have closest at hand- and that must necessarily build a game from the collective. Gastón Lodico, the one who most closely resembles those talented references, hints more than he concretizes, and his performance on the pitch ends up being more showy than efficient. And Franco Watson? He hasn’t appeared on the radar for a while as a reference variant. Queer.

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With the clock and the impatience of the public against it, ‘la Gloria’ went to seek equality with what it could, almost split in two. Central Córdoba endured, waited for its chance and settled the dispute with some ease. Off side? Maybe. As throughout the night, referee Facundo Tello trusted his intuition more than technology. “Call the VAR?”, they yelled a couple of times, in plays where the local players claimed a penalty.

There was no case. Neither penalties, nor offsides, nor a draw on the hour. All three missed the appointment. Good football and ideas, especially on the local side, were also conspicuous by their absence.

Institute 3PRAWN. The Ferroviario striker opened the scoring in Alta Córdoba. His goal filled Albirrojo with nervousness. /// PHOTO: CEDOC PROFILE

Summary of the party

Institute (0): Jorge Carranza; Juan Franco, Leonel Mosevich, Fernando Alarcón and Jonathan Bay; Gabriel Graciani, Roberto Bochi, Nicolás Linares and Gastón Lodico; Santiago Rodriguez and Adrian Martinez. DT: Lucas Bovaglio.

Central Cordoba (2): Mark Ledesma; Julian Navas, Brian Blasi, Fabio Pereira, Gonzalo Goni and Marcelo Benitez; Leandro Maciel, Mauro Pitton and Brian Farioli; Lucas Gamba and Gonzalo Torres, DT: Leonardo Madelon.

Goals: ST, 12m Gamba (CC); 48m Lucas Besozzi (CC).

Changes: ST, 15m Giuliano Cerato by Franco (I) and Lucas Albertengo by Linares (I); 23m Cyrus Rius by Navas (CC) and Jesus Soraire by Farioli (CC); 29m Nicholas Barrientos by Lodico (I) and Braian Neck by Graciani (I); 30m Facundo Castelli by Towers (CC); 36m Enzo Kalinski by Maciel (CC); 37m Besozzi by Gamba (CC); Joaquin Varela by Bay (I).

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Admonished: Mosevich, Alarcon, Bochi, Bay (I); Navas, Pittón and Benítez (CC).

Basketball court: Institute. Referee: Facundo Tello.

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