Home » The Italians promote the government over the Democratic Republic of Congo, but discontent is growing in the South

The Italians promote the government over the Democratic Republic of Congo, but discontent is growing in the South

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The Italians promote the government over the Democratic Republic of Congo, but discontent is growing in the South

Citizenship income, Italians like the government’s grip

The restyling of the basic income implemented by the Government generates consensus among Italians. According to the results of an analysis carried out by the polling institute Noto Sondaggi exclusively for Affaritaliani.it emerges that 63% of voters is in favor of the restrictions to be able to access the DRC. Only in the southern territory does the percentage of those who approve the government reform drop to 53%, while M5S voters are the only ones who declare themselves mostly against (52%).

However, the Executive has decided to be able to continue disbursing the Citizenship Income to those citizens who for objective reasons cannot work. Also in this case, the support for this initiative is very high (72%) and even the voters of the M5S agree with this possibility.

Another initiative put in place by the Government is to be able to grant a subsidy to the unemployed che can access training courses: 64% of Italians is in favor and this opinion crosses all the parties with the tip of the87% among FDI voters. In general, however, 65% approved the concept that the subsidy should only be given to those who actually cannot work. The only ones who do not share this concept are the voters of M5S.

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