Home » Sampdoria: Stankovic, ‘I won’t save anyone, I’ll talk to the team and club’ – Football

Sampdoria: Stankovic, ‘I won’t save anyone, I’ll talk to the team and club’ – Football

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Sampdoria: Stankovic, ‘I won’t save anyone, I’ll talk to the team and club’ – Football

(ANSA) – FLORENCE, APRIL 30 – “It is difficult to analyze after such a second half. It is difficult to save someone, I start from myself”. Dejan Stankovic is disappointed and embittered after his Sampdoria’s 5-0 defeat against Fiorentina.

“Up until the first goal we worked well but at the first difficulty we broke up – the analysis of the Sampdoria coach -. There are ways and ways to play and lose the game, today we broke up. It’s also difficult to find the words. Today the second half was very bad and I take full responsibility for this. The future? From this point of view, I can’t make long-term plans because you can’t make plans for what will happen tomorrow. I’ll talk to clubs and players tomorrow, to make a clarification because I’m concerned about the mental state of the team.”

“If we look at the rankings, after such a tough defeat, everyone considers us failures. Failure is not fighting, I said it before the match even if it turned out differently to how we had prepared for it. A performance like this it’s not acceptable – he added -. My players have tried to give everything and every game they try to give everything. It’s easy to go to confrontation but it’s difficult to embrace them in a moment of misfortune like this afternoon.” The Sampdoria coach then explained why he sat on the bench a lot today: “I sat on the bench for almost the entire game because I spent two days with a very high fever, pneumonia. Today I didn’t have the strength to get up from the bench “. (HANDLE).

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