Home » The lessons of the Sx to the government on holidays. The short memory on Communism

The lessons of the Sx to the government on holidays. The short memory on Communism

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The lessons of the Sx to the government on holidays.  The short memory on Communism

May 1st and other holidays: between forgetfulness and cunning

The leftfrom time immemorial, participating in all events, you see May 1st, June 2ndNovember IV, believes it has the prerogative of being the only representative of everything and everyone. I would like to remind this left and also that of the past that instead of fighting the newly born fascism they have left on the Aventine when they killed the Polesano Parliamentarian Giacomo Matteotti (PSU), to do what I don’t know! It was better if these battles had been fought in another way and with determination … unfortunately no one is able to predict the future. We Italians are get used to forgetting lived history very quickly, millions of Italians in the 1920s, 30s, and a handful of 40s praised the Mussolini dictatorship, while those few who rebelled were jailed if not killed. After World War II we found ourselves a Communist Party Italian who longed to represent all Italians on anniversaries, forgetting the sinkholes and the about 42 million dead in the USSR and in more recent years the terrorism “red”, the one in our house, but let’s not forget all the other killings and massacres attributed to fanatics or nostalgics. THE dictatorial regimes they are all the same (the color or religious fundamentalism does not matter) the watchword for them is: “suppress opponents”.

Today they say there is a nostalgic return to the fascist regime and whoever is not of this opinion … plague seize it. Not to forget something good can be obtained from the film: The Federal with Hugh Tognazzi and directed by Luciano Salce. Anyone who has studied a little history knows perfectly well that in Italy brutality has struck men, women and children regardless of religious belief, political affiliation or the uniform worn (priests, soldiers of the Arma, etc.), and in the end we have witnessed other brutalities in the name of “freedom” complete with contempt for death and the dead. A recall I want to do it and it is seasoned with a single word: vendetta. We who have not lived through those times, have always gone to the demonstrations with the spirit of having a nation that unites common sentiments and above all no longer brings grudge or hatred for a political opponent; in democracy Once you rule and once I rule, this one the Italians decide stop!

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Finally, we voted, and we share, for one European Union that would allow all peoples to have not one appeasement not only internal, but also to break the geographical and cultural barriers that ultimately led to the conclusion of a monstrous conflict. I don’t want to lecture anyone, but allow me to express my opinion and shake hands even with those who don’t think like me. I close with Descartes who affirmed that what we perceive distinctly is true; or: I think, therefore I am.

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