Home » They asked Świątek about the best thing about tennis. A disarming answer. “I guess it’s obvious, isn’t it?” Tennis

They asked Świątek about the best thing about tennis. A disarming answer. “I guess it’s obvious, isn’t it?” Tennis

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They asked Świątek about the best thing about tennis.  A disarming answer.  “I guess it’s obvious, isn’t it?”  Tennis

Iga Świątek (1st WTA) defeated Bernarda Pera (32nd WTA) 6:3, 6:2 in the third round of the WTA 1000 in Madrid and is confidently heading to the tournament triumph. The leader of the WTA ranking presents a great form and shines also at press conferences. After the match with the American, she summed up the match and then received a question about the best and worst aspects of tennis players’ lives. She needed a moment to think, but then she was sure of the answer.

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The worst and best aspects of tennis players’ lives according to Iga Świątek. “Jetlag and Money”

At first, Iga Świątek was surprised, rolled her eyes and choked out only: “Oh.” After thinking for a moment, she asked the journalist if she should name only one aspect. And she started with what she doesn’t like.

– The worst thing is jetlags (disorder caused by changing time zones – editor’s note). Swiatek replied. – When we fly from Australia to the Middle East and then to the USA, everything is fine. When we go back to Europe or fly from the US to China, it’s difficult – she added, quoted by tennis-infinity.com.

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A moment later she moved on to the best aspects of tennis, and here her answer was quite decisive. – Money and traveling are the best – said Raszynska, which amused the assembled journalists. At their reaction, she spread her hands and added with a smile, “It’s obvious, isn’t it?”

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According to the official WTA website, Iga Świątek has already earned 16 million and 200 thousand dollars throughout her career, or about PLN 68 million. For reaching the fourth round of the WTA 1000 in Madrid, she earned EUR 85,000, or about PLN 390,000. The winner of the tournament will receive EUR 1,105,265, which translates into PLN 5.1 million.

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Now Iga Świątek will face Jekaterina Aleksandrowa (17th WTA), who defeated Qinwen Zheng (24th WTA) 5:7, 6:4, 6:2 in the previous round. So far, the balance of meetings between the two ladies is 1:1. The match of Świątek – Aleksandra in the 1/8 finals will be the second from 20:00 on Monday, May 1.

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