Home » Alice Scagni’s mother a year after the murder: “Alberto was killing his sister in these hours… we reported him: they left us alone”

Alice Scagni’s mother a year after the murder: “Alberto was killing his sister in these hours… we reported him: they left us alone”

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Alice Scagni’s mother a year after the murder: “Alberto was killing his sister in these hours… we reported him: they left us alone”

Just one year ago, on May 1, 2022, Graziano Scagni and Antonella Zarri asked the police for help after their son Alberto stabbed their other daughter, Alice. “Should we surrender? – Alice Scagni’s mother writes in an open letter published on social media – In these hours Alberto Scagni, in the midst of a psychotic crisis, threatened his father with death. Graziano, helpless and terrified, recorded the second call. Our son’s voice did not lie about the madness that was engulfing him. After threatening his father, Alberto had asked about his sister. We attempted to transmit the chilling sounds of that voice to the Police. But it was, like today, May 1st, Labor Day. We tried to report our son but we were left alone.

Antonella Zarri recently said she tried to visit her son in prison. Alberto Scagni has been indicted, with the trial starting in June. “They didn’t intervene and sent us back to the following Monday. But Alberto and Alice no longer had a Monday. This is the one and only truth. The one that everyone understood well. It’s terribly simple. But for the prosecutor Alberto Scagni is not crazy because he is solely responsible for everything that happened. That way it’s easier. He is not seriously insane. The Judge’s Expert is wrong and the Public Prosecutor’s consultant is right who established, even before any expert opinion, that Alberto Scagni is a simulator and a callous assassin. For now they have been denied but I’m sure they will find a judge who, for “reasons of state” will order another expert opinion that can put everything back in his place. All the blame will be on us simple citizens while the inert representatives of the State will have no responsibility. When the state fails, it is always the citizens’ fault.

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«In a few hours, a year ago – recalls the woman – our daughter Alice will be killed. A tragic fate. A huge tragedy. Monstrous. May these hours be a reflection for those who, urged in vain by two desperate elderly parents, did not want to intervene to help them. May every minute that passes be a weight on their conscience that they have to deal with».

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