Home » The contraceptive pill increases the risk of breast cancer by 20%, but protects against other tumors – breaking latest news

The contraceptive pill increases the risk of breast cancer by 20%, but protects against other tumors – breaking latest news

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Of True Martinella

A new study has also investigated the most modern hormonal contraceptives based on progestogens only, which are very similar to the “traditional” ones containing both estrogen and progestogen. Expert explanations

Also the progestogen-only birth control pillmore recent than the “traditional” one containing both estrogens and progestogens, slightly increases the risk of developing breast cancer. The news comes from a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford and published in the scientific journal Plos Medicine
but there is no reason to be alarmed: this is largely expected information, in line with what is already known about available contraceptive medicines and which adds a piece to the picture of the risks and benefits that every woman must evaluate before start taking the pill.

Weigh the pros and cons with each woman

Come also reported by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)there has been a lot of evidence so far that taking regular birth control pills for a set number of years reduce the chances of getting sick from various neoplasms (endometrium and ovary)but may increase the risk of other (breast, cervix and liver). “The increase in risk is not sensational, but modest (about 20% more than in a woman who does not use hormonal contraceptives) and present above all for those who have taken the pill for many years – underlines Massimo DiMaio, national secretary of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom) —. The important thing is one: that women discuss the benefits and risks of taking birth control pills with their doctor. The results of studies documenting a protective effect on some tumors and a modest increase in the danger of others (such as breast cancer) must certainly be discussed with the person concerned. The doctor who knows the patient’s historyany other pathologies you have, any family history of cancer can advise you in the best way”.

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The new studio

In the recent survey British researchers analyzed data on 9,498 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer before the age of 50 and compared them to 18,000 healthy female peers. 44% of cancer patients had taken hormonal contraceptives, prescribed on average three years before the cancer was discovered, compared with 39% of healthy participants. The authors’ conclusions indicate that the risk of developing breast cancer is increased by about 20-30%. “In relative terms, the figure may seem alarming, but in reality it is a fairly low number of cases – explains Di Maio, who is director of Oncology at the Ordine Mauriziano Hospital in Turin -. The authors themselves, concluding that even the “newer” progestogen-only contraceptives, like the other traditional formulations, involve a small increase in the risk of developing breast cancerbut they explicitly invite us not to be alarmed by reading these results, because the benefit of using contraceptives may be greater than this risk”.

The difference between the various birth control pills

Hormonal contraceptives contain female sex hormones. Traditional formulations contain both estrogen and progestin, determining, among other mechanisms, a blockage of ovulation. “The majority of studies on the benefits and risks of contraception are available on these formulations, both in terms of oncology and in terms of other effects (for example cardiovascular risk and venous thromboembolism) – says the expert -. The so-called “mini-pill” contains only progestogens and no estrogens. Taking low doses of progesterone every day causes the mucus in the cervix to thicken, making it less permissive for the passage of sperm. Furthermore, progestogens alter the endometrium, in such a way as to make it difficult to implant the fertilized egg. Like traditional formulations, even those based on progestogens only can inhibit ovulation (with variable efficacy).

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One out of three cancers is preventable

In practice, how should girls regulate themselves? First of all, the choice must be based on an in-depth assessment of the individual person’s risk profile. «Then we must not forget that pros and cons of the pill are not limited to increasing or decreasing the risk of certain cancers – concludes Di Maio -: this aspect must be known, but it is not the only one to discuss with the doctor. The second is that there are other very important risk factors for cancer and often associated with a greater risk modification than the pill: smoking, overweight (often linked to incorrect diet and sedentary lifestyle), in some cases hereditary predisposition. Against cancer too lifestyles and modifiable factors they have a great weight, so one in three cases could be avoided”.

May 3, 2023 (change May 3, 2023 | 07:05)

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