Home » “Kills like smoke”. The alarm and the frightening dataMilleUnaDONNA

“Kills like smoke”. The alarm and the frightening dataMilleUnaDONNA

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“Kills like smoke”.  The alarm and the frightening dataMilleUnaDONNA

“You can die of loneliness” is not just a worn-out phrase but a sad reality so widespread as to be declared an epidemic. The alarm comes from the United States and was launched by Vivek Murthy, in what he declared a new public health epidemic, for which he is responsible as ‘U.S. surgeon general’ (Chirurgo generale). Loneliness can in fact prove to be as deadly as the habit of smoking and can increase the risk of premature death by 30%.

Loneliness like hunger or thirst

In an 81-page report, the Doctor of America said that about half of American adults experience the condition, and data show that single-person households have nearly doubled in the past 60 years. The Covid 19 pandemic has also recently weighed heavily, forcing millions of Americans into isolation, keeping them away from both family and friends. “We know – said Murthy – that loneliness is a feeling common to many people. It is like hunger or thirst. It is a sensation that the body sends us when something we need for survival is missing. Millions of Americans struggle in the shadows. It’s not right. That’s why I raised the alarm, to shed light on a problem that too many people are facing“. However, the declaration is only a sort of appeal to raise public awareness, therefore it does not foresee the allocation of funds to deal with the problem.

According to the study in recent decades about half of Americans confessed to having experienced a more or less prolonged period of chronic loneliness. This would be related in particular to the unbridled diffusion of “virtual” life tools compared to the usual places of aggregation such as churches and neighborhood groups. Families would also be affected. The decisive blow would then have been given by the lockdown, which has forced many to be alone at home away from family or friends, companies and schools. The danger? Lonely people would be around 30% more likely to die sooner, being exposed to a higher risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Isolation would also increase the chances of developing dementia, depression and anxiety.

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Who is Vivek Murthy, surgeon general

Vivek Murthy è Surgeon general of the United States, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. His office lasts about four years and he is in his second term: 2014 and 2021. He is the operational head of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and then the principal public health spokesperson for the United States federal government. He also coordinated Biden’s Covid-19 committee which, last October, appointed him a US representative in the executive of the World Health Organization. in short, if he raises the alarm, it must be taken into account.

Murthy led initiatives to address the most pressing health problems in the US. He has chosen – reads on www.blakship.it – ​​some areas to focus on, in particular those that emerged from the reports of citizens during his initial listening tour. In addition to the role of Doctor of Americaas Deputy Chief Executive Officer of American Public Health, Murthy has led an “army” of 6,600 active public health officials to help neglected and vulnerable populations in more than 800 cities, both at home and abroad. He has worked with hundreds of officers tasked with strengthening the medical corps and protecting the nation from Ebola and Zinka, as well as responding to the city of Flint’s water crisis, dealing with major hurricanes, and frequent cuts in community health care. rural communities.

Where does the shame of loneliness come from? – EM Secci

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