Home » Pesticides in strawberries | If they come from this area they can have more

Pesticides in strawberries | If they come from this area they can have more

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Pesticides in strawberries |  If they come from this area they can have more

Where does the greatest danger come from regarding the presence of pesticides in strawberries. Check if they come from this area.

Pesticides in strawberriesas in many other situations involving various products treated in the industrial field, including fruit and vegetable crops, also in their case there is the risk of coming into contact with products of the earth which could contain traces of potentially dangerous substances.

Wild strawberries (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

The aspect that speaks of pesticides in strawberries should not be underestimated. These fruits are typical of spring, we usually find them from the end of April and even late in summer. They have few calories and are delicious, very tasty.

However, the ones we buy at the supermarket can be treated with pesticides, in order to give them a perfect appearance and which does not involve the presence of parasites. But also of fungi and molds.

There is a distinctive trait that can suggest whether the treatment with parasitic substances has been too intensive. And it’s about strawberries when they appear too shiny and bright.

Pesticides in strawberries, how to reduce possible risks

It must be said that, in order to reduce any health hazards as much as possible, the best thing to do is to choose organic products. Which are therefore grown locally, on site, and absolutely without the use of any herbicide, pesticide or similar.

Strawberry plant (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

This also applies to strawberries. Be careful when the same should mark a state that is outside the European Union as the country of origin. But even in the case of origin within Europe there is a problem that has already been reported for some time.

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These are strawberries grown in Spainin a located area south of the Iberian Peninsula. This was announced by Oko-Test, a German consumer magazine which conducted a special test. The strawberries brought here unfortunately see the implementation of a series of actions that leave a strong environmental impact.

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In addition, they have large traces of pesticides. The blame for everything is to be attributed to the bupimirato identified with appropriate observations. It is indeed a carcinogen.

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The environmental impact derives from the fact that it has been raining very little for some time in southern Spain. Growing strawberries requires large quantities of water which is thus extrapolated from very deep wells. Which are also made illegally. The EU has already intervened in this sense by sanctioning Spain and asking it to resolve the matter.

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