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To lose weight, it’s not enough just to exercise

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To lose weight, it’s not enough just to exercise

To lose weight you don’t just need to train, go to the gym or run. Be careful never to make this rather common and trivial mistake.

Muffin (Canva-Inran.it)

The running and an unhealthy diet they are often considered as the best solution to lose weight and get in better shape. However, this statement is not entirely true. It’s not always enough to run and eat badly to achieve the desired results. Let’s look at why this isn’t always the best solution and the associated problems.

Is running enough to lose weight? Not always

Lose weight by running
Junk food (Canva-Inran.it)

Let’s start with the run. There running can be a great way to burn calories and improve fitness. However, if you are not careful it can lead to serious injuries such as knee and ankle pain, back pain and of course the risk of muscle strain. Also, running doesn’t always burn calories effectively. If you run a distance of 5km in half an hour, only 300-400 calories will be burned. This is not enough to lose weight if your daily calorie intake is too high.

The bad diet is the other problem. An unhealthy diet can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes, just to name a few. Weight loss requires a combination of a balanced diet and physical activity. A healthy diet doesn’t mean you have to eat only vegetables and fruits, but avoid foods high in saturated fat, sugars, chemical additives and sodas with their harsh chemicals.

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Another problem related to poor nutrition is that it can actually impede the weight loss process. Self you eat high-calorie foods and saturated fat, it will be impossible to lose weight even if you run miles a day. You will need to reduce your total calorie intake to burn more calories than you consume. Even if you are able to burn a lot of calories each day, you are not running into a calorie deficit.

Weight loss is the result of a calorie deficit, which is the difference between calories consumed and calories burned during daily activities and exercise. If more calories are consumed than are used, weight gain occurs. Otherwise, when a deficit is created between the calories consumed and those used, a calorie deficit is generated which leads to weight loss.

Running yes, but be careful with your diet

So even if you run regularly, if your diet includes too high a calorie consumption, you will not reach the calorie deficit necessary to lose weight. The world of nutrition and fitness is complex and general formulas cannot always be applied to individuals, it is important to consult a nutrition expert to develop a personalized diet based on individual calorie reduction needs and based on physical activity practiced.


It is also important to keep in mind that theovertraining and consuming calories that are too low can have negative effects on your health. Instead of just focusing on diet or exercise, it’s important to create a comprehensive action plan that takes both into account. This way you can reach the optimal calorie deficit to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Therefore it is good and effective practice to create a calorie balanced level of calories consumed and burned each day.

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Bottom line, running and unhealthy dieting aren’t enough to lose weight, nor are they the best solution. Instead, you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly, and control your overall calorie intake.

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