Home » Medicinal herbs how to collect them and above all to recognize them from poisonous plants

Medicinal herbs how to collect them and above all to recognize them from poisonous plants

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Medicinal herbs how to collect them and above all to recognize them from poisonous plants

With medicinal herbs and plants they treated and fed our grandparents in the caves. And over the millennia the tradition has been perpetuated to the present day. It’s a healthy and natural choice, provided you don’t make a mistake because they are also deadly poisons, as in the case of the 56-year-old from Leccogrow and blossom just as spontaneously alongside plants and flowers with healing powers.

Having said that the first advice, dictated by common sense, is not to collect and above all not to eat herbs and plants that we do not recognize with absolute certainty. Often the difference with the poisonous ones is minimal, as in the case of dandelion. Here are some tips from Maria Canzoneriagronomist employee of the Agricultural Development Body of the Sicily region, on how to collect medicinal herbs

  • It must be performed by people who have good knowledge of the species so as not to confuse them with similar plants to avoid unpleasant consequences
  • It is necessary know the growing season of the species depending on the parts of it that you want to use
  • It is good gatherwith the aid of a small knife, only the relevant parts leaving the plant in place. After collecting rub with a damp cloth and leave to dry in the shade in a dry and ventilated place; when they are completely dry they can be stored in tightly closed glass or terracotta jars and stored in the dark.
  • It’s always good label the jars with the name of the plant and the start date of conservation.
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Ecco what to collect:

  • Roots (when the plant is dormant, usually in autumn)
  • daughter (before flowering)
  • Stems (at the same time as the leaves)
  • Gems (when still closed)
  • Flowers (during the flowering period)
  • uberi (with flowering); Fruits (fully ripe)
  • T Bulbs (when the flowers start to wither)
  • Seeds (when the plant begins to dry out)

Here they are 10 most known medicinal herbs

  1. Aloe
  2. Arnica
  3. Devil’s claw
  4. Hawthorn
  5. Calendula
  6. Chamomile
  7. St. John’s wort
  8. Lavender
  9. Salvia
  10. Dandelion

The edible field herbs

  • Caper
  • Cardo marian
  • Mauve
  • Melissa
  • demand
  • Nettle
  • Plantain

Ecco the 10 most poisonous plants in Italy

  1. Oleander
  2. Apocynaceae
  3. Belladonna
  4. Common rate
  5. Broom
  6. Aconito
  7. Napello
  8. Panacea of ​​Mantegazza.
  9. Poleggio Mint (Roman Mint)
  10. Hemlock Major

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