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From the Giro to football, postcards from Abruzzo drive investments – Abruzzo

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From the Giro to football, postcards from Abruzzo drive investments – Abruzzo

Cianciotta, Region has chosen sport for territorial marketing

(ANSA) – breaking latest news, 05 MAY – “After the withdrawal of Napoli in Castel di Sangro for six years, now the great start of the Giro d’Italia from the Costa dei Trabocchi, in Fossacesia. And then two more stages, including the fascinating arrival in Campo Imperatore, with the snow to welcome the cyclists, in addition to the stages of the e-bike Giro. The Abruzzo Region has decidedly focused on sport as a territorial marketing tool”. To speak is the economist Stefano Cianciotta, CEO of Fira SpA, an in-house company of the Region. “Sport has become an extraordinary business – continues Cianciotta – which must be managed in a managerial way and is a lever of promotion and development around which to rotate services, territorial marketing and consensus. In the case of the Giro d’Italia, against a investment with the European Development and Cohesion Funds of 6 million euros, the return, only in terms of spaces on traditional media and on social networks, is equal to 38 million, therefore equal to more than six times the amount invested”. “To these immediate returns – adds Cianciotta – must be added the inevitable tourist effects in the medium and long term. Just think that the Giro is seen internationally by 750 million people. My wish is that these initiatives can stimulate positive competition between the Municipalities of Abruzzo to adapt their sports facilities and their accommodation, so that Abruzzo can become, in the coming years, the retreat site of many sports clubs, and continue to host events of this kind”. “These events, however – continues Cianciotta – are not accidental, and at the base they have a very precise choice made over the years by local managers and administrators, to which is added the undoubted capacity for vision of the president of the Marsilio Region, who wanted to invest heavily on sporting events to increase the recognition of the region.Napoli’s withdrawal to Castel di Sangro – explains Cianciotta – rewards on the one hand the foresight of an enlightened Abruzzese, Luciano Russi, who 25 years ago was among the first to understand that the football had become managerial and had to be valued on the same level as a company, and the Municipality of Castel Di Sangro, which over the years has invested in quality plant engineering and facilitated excellent accommodation, two essential conditions for bringing important teams to Abruzzo “. “Just as the departure of the Giro from the Costa dei Trabocchi is an implicit acknowledgment to one of the best administrators from Abruzzo, the mayor of Fossacesia Enrico Di Giuseppantonio, who over twenty years ago – recalls Cianciotta – as president of the Province of Chieti, began to negotiate with Ferrovie dello Stato the purchase of the areas to transform the old railway track into one of the most beautiful European cycle paths”.

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