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Apple, a quarterly decline for Tim Cook’s “apple”.

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Apple, a quarterly between lights and shadows

Mac sales are down while iPhone and services sales are up in the first quarter of the year. The conflicting data does not allow Apple to avoid data with a minus sign (-3%). The strong demand for Apple’s and its CEO Tim Cook’s “eaten apple” flagship product, the iPhone, failed to compensate for the negative trend in sales of Mac and other Group products. THERevenue for the first three months of the current year between January and March was $94,836 million, 3% less than in the same period of 2022. The second consecutive decline.

Product sales decreased 5% to $73,929 million, while services grew 5% to $20,907 million. Tim Cook wanted to emphasize the best results of some sectors in front of financial analysts, claiming that “all revenue records have been broken in the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud and payment services. And now, with over 975 million paid subscriptions, we will have more people receiving our services.”

Apple, after the boom in results in the pandemic, the decline was rapid

1.5% more is the percentage of iPhones sold but the computer sector has recorded a decline of 30%. The iPads are also smaller but always declining. The data is consistent with what happened during the Covid pandemic. A boom caused by prolonged confinements and teleworking then a slowdown and now the current decline. all of this has resulted in large layoffs throughout Big Tech. But Apple’s quarterly data differ from country to country.

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At the top for sales Europe, then Asia with the exception of Japan and China, both in decline and then America. In his communication strategy Cook continued to spread positivity: “We are particularly pleased with the results achieved in emerging markets and have achieved all-time records in Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.” In some markets, such as India, Brazil and Malaysia, Apple has set all-time records. Among the developed countries, sales in Spain, Australia, Canada and Switzerland shone.

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