Home » The heyday of YouTube gags… “There is no censorship, but there are points to be aware of” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

The heyday of YouTube gags… “There is no censorship, but there are points to be aware of” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

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The heyday of YouTube gags…  “There is no censorship, but there are points to be aware of” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

The end of the ‘public recruitment comedian era’… platform upheaval

Comedians who lost their stage, even if they succeed on YouTube

Jung Jae-hyeong “YouTube is ‘raw’… more fun”

“However, without censorship, incidents and accidents may occur.”

Food College, Neighborhood Guys, Short Box, Kkondaehee

The power of ‘non-public debt’ also ↑… Nitmol Cash/Il Opal

[서울=뉴시스]YouTube channel ‘Neighborhood Guys’ formed by comedians from SBS public recruitment (Photo = Neighborhood Guys YouTube video capture) 2023.04.24. [email protected] *Resale and DB prohibited

【Seoul=Newsis】Reporter Kang Woon-ji = Five years have passed since all three public recruitment comedian systems were abolished. MBC has not selected open recruitment comedians and comedians since 2013, SBS since 2016, and KBS since 2018. However, comedians and comedians who have lost their stage are recently on the road to success on YouTube.

“I think the word ‘comedian’ will gradually disappear. Because there is no system called ‘comedy comedian’ anymore, and there is no stage. I think the word ‘creator’ is good.”

These are the words of creator Jeong Jae-hyung, who was a comedian in SBS open recruitment in 2013. Since the abolition of the comedy program ‘Looking for Laughter’ in 2017, he has formed and operated the YouTube channel ‘Neighborhood Guys’ with fellow comedians Jinho Ahn and Bugi Choi. there is. Neighbors and Handsome Jaehyung have about 1.54 million and 220,000 subscribers, respectively.

Mr. Jeong replied, “I strongly agree” with the reporter’s words, “It seems that the change in the media environment has brought vitality to the gag world.” Then, he also mentioned the limitations of existing broadcasting gag programs.

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He said, “Of course, broadcasting station PDs have careers and senses. But comedians come out of their own heads, and it’s fun when you think you’re funny.” The picture cannot be conveyed as it is,” he explained. In other words, it is an insight that more interesting and diverse gags can be created in the freedom of YouTube rather than the rigid atmosphere unique to broadcasting stations.

However, Mr. Jeong pointed out that these characteristics can act as a ‘double-edged sword’. He said, “YouTube can be more fun because there is no censorship, but accidents can happen because you unknowingly say ignorant words.” Seeing it, I was getting more and more depressed,” he confessed his experience.

He added, “Even with one piece of content, the way (the public) accepts it is very different.”


[서울=뉴시스]The YouTube channel ‘Fishik University’ received the TV category entertainment award at the 59th Baeksang Arts Awards on the 28th of last month. (Photo = Baeksang Arts Awards video capture) 2023.05.02. [email protected] *Resale and DB prohibited

On the other hand, the keynote of open recruitment comedians opening YouTube channels and changing the platform began between 2015 and 2017 and began in earnest around 2020.

The movement of the younger generation born in the mid-to-late 80s to the 90s is the most prominent. Representative examples are ‘Short Box’ run by KBS open recruitment Kim Won-hun, Cho Jin-se, and Um Ji-yoon, and ‘Pisik University’ run by KBS and SBS open recruitment graduates Jung Jae-hyung, Kim Min-soo, and Lee Yong-joo. On the 28th of last month, Fisik University also received the Best Art Award in the TV category at the 59th Baeksang Arts Awards.

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It seems that the ‘Teojutdaegam’ of the existing gag program is also moving the platform to YouTube. For example, KBS 19th public recruitment comedian Kang Yoo-mi and 14th public recruitment comedian Kim Dae-hee each run a YouTube channel, ‘Kang Yu-mi yumi kang, a channel they like’ and ‘Kkondae-hee’. The number of subscribers is around 1 million for both channels.

Also noteworthy is the rise of gag creators from ‘non-public recruitment’. Referring to YouTubers ‘Nitmol Cash’ and ‘IlOpal’, Mr. Jeong said, “There are more and more talented and creative people, but not all of them are from public recruitment. Those people eventually compete on YouTube or TikTok.”

◎Tube guide report
▶Email: [email protected]

Reporter Woonji Kang ([email protected])

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