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Friday Hadith: ((And they did not value God as He should be, when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to human beings.”)

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Friday Hadith: ((And they did not value God as He should be, when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to human beings.”)

Mohamed Sharky

It is well known that the final message sent down to our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with which he addressed all people until the Day of Judgment, was rejected and turned away by the disbelievers and the People of the Book. They are accustomed to it of polytheism, and in that he insults their corrupt belief, and as for the People of the Book’s denial of it, it is attributed to what came in it of exposing the distortion that followed what was revealed before it, and for this reason the two parties agreed to deny it and turn away from it, and it is a meeting of interest between them.

In this concluding letter, it was mentioned in more than one place what was told about this meeting between the two parties, and among that is the Almighty’s saying: ((And they did not appreciate God as He should be, when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to humankind.”) It is a saying that applies to both groups together, as indicated in the books of interpretation. In this noble verse, they deny the revelation from God Almighty, and entrust those whom He chose from among His honorable messengers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them all, to inform them of it to the people.

Whatever the reason for the revelation of this verse or the side from which it was said: God has not sent down anything, the lesson is in the generality of its wording, because since this saying was repeated by the likes of those who said it until the Hour, they are all concerned with the speech of God Almighty in which he commented on Their saying this is a rebuke of Ifaham, which came in the form of a question asked to them to rebuke them, and it is His saying: ((Say: Who sent down the book that Moses brought as a light and guidance to people, you make it into sheets of paper that you reveal, and you hide a lot, and you taught what neither you nor your fathers knew? So this response to the denial of God Almighty sending down the revelation to humans from among His honorable messengers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them all, is tantamount to establishing a compelling argument for the incoherence of that denial, because the reality of the situation at that time was lying to him, as it was not possible for the People of the Book to deny the revelation of all mankind, and the Prophet of God. Moses, peace be upon him, was sent among them, and they circulate among themselves what was revealed to them, and they make it pamphlets or newspapers from which they show whatever they want or what they have an interest in revealing, and they hide what they want of what does not serve their interest such as what was revealed by the final message revealed to our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Peace be upon him, and because the polytheists were in contact with these people, and they knew through them that God Almighty had sent down the Book to Moses, peace be upon him, for this reason they were all included in God Almighty’s obstinacy, which is something that they cannot with stubbornness or arrogance, knowing that what was revealed to the Prophet of God Moses, peace be upon him, was In it is guidance for all of them, and there was knowledge in it that neither they nor their fathers knew, and they should not have learned it if their claim and their claim that God Almighty did not reveal anything to humans were true.

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Since this allegation, and this allegation, is rejected by everyone who says it from among the People of the Book or among the polytheists alike, then insisting on it with what he encountered in terms of ambiguity is pure futile delving or rushing into a saying that has no basis in truth, and it is also It is pure play or futility that has no benefit behind it, and it is what necessitates turning away from it, as God Almighty ordered His Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and through him he directs his command to all believers at all times when they are confronted by those who deny the descent of revelation from Him, Glory be to Him.

The occasion of this Friday’s hadeeth is to alert the believers to what has become popular in our time in terms of sayings that simulate the sayings of those mentioned by God Almighty who denied the revelation from Him, even if their methods of denial differed. Among those methods are some calls to nullify or disable some of what was revealed, Glory be to Him, on the pretext of not keeping up with the times, as is the case, for example, but not limited to some verses that include the division of inheritance, or the hadd verses related to the crime of adultery… to other things that raise the morale of those who want to disable verses The wise remembrance under the pretext that time has pardoned it, and that the alternative to it is the man-made legislation issued by the victorious nations, which is strictly and exclusively secular, and which is intended to be binding on the vanquished nations and imposed on them by force, and it is marketed on the basis that it is universal, and whoever violates it is punished. He has serious charges, and he is convicted of being outside the laws and international norms.

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And we have become that not a day goes by without the media and social media informing us of false calls whose proponents seek to disable texts from the Holy Qur’an and from the honorable hadiths of the Prophet that contradict secular desires, and this is like what happened with those who were before among those who made what was revealed to Moses upon him. Peace be upon you, from which what is not in accordance with their desires is hidden from what was revealed in the final message that confirms what is in its hands and dominates it. ((And We sent down to you the Book with truth, confirming what came before it and controlling it, so judge between them by what God has sent down, and do not follow their desires for the truth that has come to you. )) .

And this divine order is directed through the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to all believers at all times until the Hour comes. That is why they must leave in their turmoil and games those who want to market their whims at the expense of what God Almighty has revealed.

O Allah, we seek refuge in You from every deviation or misguidance from Your guidance, and we ask You to be steadfast in it until we meet You and You are satisfied with us.

Praise be to God, by whose grace good deeds are completed, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.

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