Home » War Ukraine Russia, news today. Kiev counter-offensive near, Russian evacuations. LIVE

War Ukraine Russia, news today. Kiev counter-offensive near, Russian evacuations. LIVE

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War Ukraine Russia, news today.  Kiev counter-offensive near, Russian evacuations.  LIVE

Russians: no evacuation from the Zaporizhzhia plant

The Russian administration of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine has assured that no demobilization of employees from the site is planned for the moment after the announcement of partial evacuations in the area amid fears of a Ukrainian offensive. “At the moment there is no need to evacuate the employees of the plant or the inhabitants of the city of Energodar. Stay calm,” Yuri Tchernichuk, director of the site, said in a statement. “There’s nothing to worry about. All the reactors at the plant are shut down,” he said. The day before, the regional official installed by Moscow, Evguéni Balitski, had announced the partial evacuation from 18 localities under Russian occupation in the Zaporijjia region, in particular in Energodar. According to Balitski, these “temporary” evacuations mainly concern children with their parents, elderly and disabled, sick and hospitalized, in the face of the multiplication, according to him, of Ukrainian bombings in recent days.

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