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iPad always drains battery faster than expected? 8 power-saving tips | TechNews Technology News

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iPad always drains battery faster than expected? 8 power-saving tips | TechNews Technology News

As an iPad user, have you ever noticed that the power consumption is always faster than expected?

According to official data, the battery life of most new iPad devices is 10 hours; however, the battery life will always decrease with the passage of time, and some users’ bad habits will always make the iPad Battery life is reduced.

There are 6 habits that will shorten battery life, namely: watching streaming videos, running applications in the background or turning on positioning, using mobile network connections, using too much screen brightness or turning off the automatic screen lock function, using iPad more frequently than before New features/photographing, downloading large pictures/movies.

While there are other reasons that can shorten your iPad’s battery life, the 6 habits above are the top ones.

So how to extend the battery life of iPad?

Find the battery-eating monsters in your iPad

Some applications always consume a lot of power. At this time, you can enter “Settings”, “Battery” to see which applications have particularly consumed power in the past 24 hours (preset time). The main screen and lock screen, Siri’s power consumption will also be displayed in it.

If you think it’s too short to view only 24 hours, you can also click on the “Last 10 Days” on the right to see more comprehensively which apps are consuming iPad power crazily

Turn on Low Power Mode

Enabling Doze is the fastest way to extend battery life. Through the low power mode, you can suspend operations such as receiving emails, background application refreshes, and automatic downloads with one click; although the low power mode does not need to be turned on during normal use, it is quite useful when the device is about to run out of power. easy to use.

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How to enable low power consumption mode? There are 3 ways to enable Low Power Mode: one is to click “Settings”, “Battery” and find Low Power Mode; the other is to invoke Siri and ask the voice assistant to turn on Low Power Mode for you; the third is to pull down Go out of the control center and click the low power consumption mode (this control item must be set in advance).

Turn on automatic screen lock, reduce screen brightness

If you find that the power consumption of the “home screen and lock screen” is higher than expected when you check which applications are particularly power-hungry, it is recommended to check your settings; No”, this way the screen will not be automatically locked and consumes a lot of power. It is recommended to choose 30 seconds to automatically lock is the most power-saving way.

How to determine the automatic lock time of your device screen, click “Settings”, “Screen Display and Brightness”, click the “Auto Lock” item, and then you can choose the time for the device to automatically lock the screen.

The power consumption source of the screen is not only the user forgetting to lock the screen, but also the brightness of the screen will also affect the power consumption. Although the brightness of the screen depends on the user’s preference, it is recommended not to adjust it too brightly when using the iPad, which will help to extend battery life.

smart keyboard

The smart keyboard is a favorite of iPad users in recent years, but this accessory is quite power-hungry.

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Some iPad Pro users have been complaining about the fast power consumption of the Smart Keyboard for some time; The iPad Pro with 80% power will die at any time.

ambient temperature

According to official data, the most suitable ambient temperature for iPad is 0°~35°C, and ambient temperature higher than 35°C may permanently damage the battery capacity. Environments below 0°C will temporarily reduce battery life.

(Source: Apple)

In addition to paying attention to the ambient temperature, if you find that the iPad becomes very hot when charging or backing up data, you should stop immediately to prevent the iPad from getting too hot.

Background App Refresh

The low power mode will completely turn off background app refresh, but in fact, you can also customize which apps can be refreshed in the background. Tap “Settings”, “General”, “Background App Refresh” to choose which apps can be refreshed in the background.

Reduce mobile network usage

When your iPad has a mobile network enabled, it drains the battery more quickly.

Change fetch new data

If you don’t want to turn on the low power mode, you can manually control the push and retrieval of new information for email or network accounts.

Click “Settings”, “Mail”, “Account”, “Retrieve New Data”, and you can choose the time interval for pushing information.

(Source: Science and Technology News)

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