Home » Aaron eliminated one step away from the final of Amici 2023, the jurors preferred to save Wax

Aaron eliminated one step away from the final of Amici 2023, the jurors preferred to save Wax

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Aaron eliminated one step away from the final of Amici 2023, the jurors preferred to save Wax

Friends of Maria De Filippi 2022/2023

It was Aaron who had to abandon Amici one step away from the final on Sunday 14 May. The singer, a student of Rudy Zerbi, was eliminated during the semifinal. It was colleague Wax who qualified.

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Friends of Maria De Filippi 2022/2023

Aaron eliminated ad Amici 2023 one step away from the final. The singer, a pupil of Rudy Zerbi, discovered during the episode aired on Saturday 6 May that he had been eliminated by the jury made up of Cristiano Malgioglio, Michele Bravi and Giuseppe Giofrè. Called to decide who between Aaron and Wax could have continued the race, the members of the jury preferred to bring Arisa’s pupil to the final. Next week’s final, therefore, will take place without any of Rudy Zerbi’s pupils. Not even Emanuel Lo will have one of his students in the final.

Aaron’s reaction after the elimination

Aaron found out he had to drop out of school after the semi-final on May 6th. Returning to the studio together with Wax, he chose to find out the outcome of the vote expressed by the jury as happened with the colleagues who preceded him. From the center of the studio, he observed in front of him the led with the last shirt of the final still available. When turned upside down, the shirt showed Wax’s name. “The fourth finalist is Wax”, explained Maria De Filippi asking Wax to go and get his shirt. Addressed to Aaron, the presenter added: “It’s a TV show, there are only 4 seats”. But Aaron understood: “I won anyway. I won as a person, I’ve been here and I’m delighted with the last performance. It’s the right time”.

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Maddalena Svevi was also eliminated

Aaron isn’t the only student who had to abandon Amici during the semi-final on May 6th. Even the dancer Maddalena Svevi, a pupil of Emanuel Lo, had to leave the program due to the vote expressed by the jury. The four finalist students are the dancers Isobel Kinnear and Mattia Zenzola and the singers Angelina and Wax. Only one of them will win the program during the final, live on Canale5 on Sunday 14 May.

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