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Rediscovering a cult console | DiePresse.com

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Rediscovering a cult console |  DiePresse.com

It was the first cult console and brought Space Invaders and Pac-Man into living rooms. Hyperkin’s Retron 77 brings the world of the legendary Atari VCS 2600 to today’s users.

Long before Nintendo or Sega, Atari revolutionized the still small world of game consoles in 1977. The concept, which was new at the time, was that instead of permanently installed games such as Pong, the console later called the Atari 2600 used exchangeable plug-in cards (cartridges). Another recipe for success from Atari: Bringing popular arcade games like Space Invaders or Pac-Man to consoles and living rooms. Not least because of such classics, the Atari 2600 still has a loyal fan base.

With the Retron 77, Hyperkin offers an easy way to relive the charm of yesteryear. The box, which costs just over 100 euros, can bring all Atari 2600 games to life in two ways. On the one hand, it has a slot for original cartridges. The option to play the games as ROMS from the internal micro SD card might be even more interesting for many. These ROMS can be downloaded from websites such as atariage.com. With the Retron 77, all Atari 2600 games from that time are potentially available free of charge, as well as “homebrew” games that are still programmed by the Atari fan community today.

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