Home » Shakira received the ‘Woman of the Year’ award at the 2023 Billboard Awards

Shakira received the ‘Woman of the Year’ award at the 2023 Billboard Awards

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Shakira received the ‘Woman of the Year’ award at the 2023 Billboard Awards

During the ceremony of the first edition of Billboard’s Women in Latin Music, Shakira received the ‘Woman of the Year’ award. The ‘TQG’ singer was awarded for her musical career and her fight for gender equality.

The award was presented by Maluma, also a Colombian, and in her speech, Shakira highlighted the importance of accepting oneself, as it is: “There comes a time in the life of every woman in which one no longer depends on someone to end up loving or accepting herself as she is. The search for the other is replaced by the search for oneself, when the desire to be perfect is replaced by the desire to be authentic”, mentioned the Colombian.

In addition, the artist thanked the recognition and dedicated the award to her mother, Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, and to all single mothers. “There is a very special woman for me, who has inspired me more than anyone, (…) my mother. Mommy if you are watching me on TV; Despite the difficulties you have faced this year, you are still standing with your love and your resilience; For me, you have been the woman of the year. So this recognition goes to you. It also goes to my children Milián and Sasha (…), to my friends, because you have supported me and continue to support me, when I legs weaken and for all the single mothers who protect their children like lionesses.

During 2023, Shakira became a more independent and strong woman, “As you well know, it has been a year of seismic changes in my life, in which I have truly felt firsthand what it is to be a woman and what it truly means to be a woman; It is a year in which I have realized that women are much stronger than we think. We are braver than we think we are. I think we are also more independent than we were taught to be. What woman hasn’t ever had the experience of seeking the attention, affection or approval of another, she has forgotten herself. It has happened to me more than once ”, revealed the barranquillera.

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During her speech, the famous singer also made reference to fidelity, “It no longer matters so much if someone is faithful to you or not; what really matters is if you remain true to yourself”, confessed the singer-songwriter.

Likewise, Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll explained that when she felt the most lost, it was the music, which put her on the path back to herself.

“The most important lessons I learned this year, I learned from other women. For them, I wrote what I wrote and sang what I sang, because only a woman can love to the point of tearing herself apart, only a woman can speak with the most brutal honesty, can sing with rage, dance in ecstasy and emotion, to the point of tears.” confessed the Colombian dancer, actress and businesswoman.

Without a doubt, Shakira is a true inspiration for all women who have been through infidelity in their relationship! However, through her music and her art, she has shown us that emotions are a natural part of the healing process.

On the other hand, Evaluna and Goyo were also awarded at the inaugural gala of ‘Latin Women in Music’ that seeks to celebrate and recognize the impact that women have had on Latin music. Evaluna received the ‘Tradition and Future’ award, while Goyo was recognized with the ‘Agent of Change’ award.

Diversity and unity were also prominent themes during the event, where Ana Gabriel was honored with the living legend award, Thalía as a global powerhouse and the Argentine Emilia Mernes Rueda as an artist on the rise.

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The event was attended by artists such as Greeicy, Mike Bahía, Keytin, Elena Rose and Nicole Zignago, who were also honored for their outstanding work in Latin music.

The inaugural “Latin Women in Music” event is an extension of Billboard’s “Women in Music” franchise. The goal of this event is to recognize women who have made a concrete impact on Latin music through their artistic achievements or notable actions that have provided opportunities for other women.

The inaugural ‘Latin Women in Music’ event is an expansion of Billboard’s Women in Music franchise. This seeks to recognize the impact of women in Latin music through their artistic achievements or notable actions that have provided opportunities and recognition for women.

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