Home » “St. Matthew Passion”: Rebellion of the children

“St. Matthew Passion”: Rebellion of the children

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“St. Matthew Passion”: Rebellion of the children

By Martina Hafner

The Deutsche Oper stages Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” and also addresses demonstrations such as Fridays for Future.

Nothing with peaceful church play! In Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” at the Deutsche Oper, a group of children, who are supposed to represent the Passion of Christ, are transformed into a crowd of demonstrators à la Fridays for Future.

In Benedikt von Peter’s production, the adult solo singers behave like slightly abusive educators, which the young people are increasingly slipping away from. It’s oppressive how the kids rip off their conservative clothes (costumes: Lene Schwind), which are visually reminiscent of the Colonia Dignidad sect, and swap them for jeans.

With around 200 musicians and choir singers distributed throughout the hall, the whole thing develops an enormous force. Conductor Allessandro de Marchi stands in the stalls and effortlessly pulls the strings together. In addition, Joshua Ellicott as an evangelist, Padraic Rowan as Jesus and alto Annika Schlicht can set grandiose accents.

The scenic implementation does not detract from the solemnity of the work. The comparison of the rebellious kids with a Jesus who only wants to do good is quite conclusive over the ramp. Lots of cheers, a few boos.

Again May 13, 7 p.m., Bismarckstr. 35, 24-100 euros, ☎ 34 38 43 43

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