Home » Because when you are hotel you should close the toilet lid before sleep

Because when you are hotel you should close the toilet lid before sleep

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Because when you are hotel you should close the toilet lid before sleep

This article is dedicated to health and hygiene. Today we’re talking about something we often take for granted, but which could actually have a significant impact on our health. That is why it is absolutely recommended to lower the toilet seat.

I hotel bathrooms they are a place of great importance for all travellers. After a long day of visiting new cities or relaxing at the beach, every guest wants to have a clean and sanitized bathroom. Most hotels are aware of the importance of bathroom cleaning and devote a lot of resources to its daily maintenance.

Cleaning bathrooms is essential to ensure a comfortable and hygienic experience for hotel guests. Whenever a guest leaves their room, the cleaning crew takes care of it to thoroughly disinfect the bathroom. There are several products used to disinfect the bathroom, such as solutions based on chlorine or quaternary ammonium.

However, it is important to pay attention to the amount of product used and how it is applied, as poor disinfection can lead to the formation of resistant bacteria.

Because when you’re in a hotel you should put the toilet seat down before sleeping

Even if the cleaning staff can do everything possible to keep the hotel bathrooms perfectly sanitized, guests can contribute in their own way to preserve them during their stay. For example, you should avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper down the toilet, as this could cause annoying blockages. Finally, we would like to point out that the cleanliness of the bathrooms should never be underestimated, a hygienic and germ-free environment greatly influences the positive impressions of the guest towards the hotel itself.

But the same should be done for our bathroom at home. This is why it is important to clean it thoroughly. But why should it? lower the toilet seat?

Have you ever thought about how many times a day we use the bathroom and how important it is to keep this environment clean and sanitized? In this article we will tell you about bacteria present in the bathroomgood practices for cleaning the toilet and the need to always lower the tablet after using it. Read on to find out all the details.

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The bacteria present in our bathroom

The bathroom is one of the busiest places in the house, but also one of the places where bacteria proliferate the most. Despite ours effort to keep it cleanmany people underestimate the need to sanitize the bathroom properly to prevent the spread of germs and diseases.

Avoid the proliferation of bacteria – wineandfoodtour.it

I bacteria in the bathroom they are present everywhere: on surfaces, on textiles and in the air. But some critical points deserve special attention in the daily cleaning of the bathroom. But why lower the toilet seat?

The toilet seat is one of the areas with higher concentration of bacteria. For this reason it is important to always close the lid after use and to clean it regularly with disinfectant products. The sink, water handles and faucet can host many germswhich are transmitted by dirty hands at the time of use.

Cleaning these surfaces with an antibacterial cleaner helps prevent the spread of pathogens.
The toilet brush often overlooked in daily cleaning, the toilet brush can accumulate significant amounts of germs and be a source of contamination throughout the bathroom.

In general, to maintain a healthy environment in which to live, it is advisable to dedicate yourself to cleaning your bathroom at least once a week using specific detergents against bacteria such as quaternary ammonium or benzalkonium chloride. In this way we ensure a healthy and hygienic environment, minimizing the spread of bacteria.

How to disinfect the toilet bowl and toilet seat effectively

To keep the bathroom sanitized, it is essential to disinfect the toilet regularly. In fact, this is one of the places where bacteria and germs nest most easily.

Toilet cleaning

Toilet cleaning – wineandfoodtour.it

First, to properly disinfect the toilet, you need to wear latex gloves to protect your hands from chemicals used during cleaning. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that there is no urine or feces residue on the toilet seat before proceeding with disinfection.

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There are several specific products for cleaning and disinfecting the toilet bowl. Among these we find sprays with active chlorine or those based on citric acid. For greater effectiveness of disinfectionyou can leave the product to act on the toilet surfaces for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with hot water.

As an alternative to chemical products, natural remedies such as white vinegar or baking soda mixed with hot water can also be used. These solutions are less aggressive but equally effective in removing bacteria present on the toilet.

Finally, let’s not forget the toilet brush, which also needs be regularly sanitized to prevent it from becoming a receptacle for germs and bacteria. It is therefore advisable to immerse it in a solution of water and bleach at least once a week. With these simple precautions we will be able to ensure a sanitized and safe environment for the whole family.

That’s why lowering the toilet seat in hotels is convenient

Many of us don’t attach much importance to putting down the toilet seat after using it. But do you know that this small action can make a big one difference in terms of hygiene and health? Here are some reasons why we should always put the toilet seat down.

Why lower the toilet seat

Why lower the toilet seat – wineandfoodtour.it

The first thing this gesture allows us to achieve is the decrease in bacteria: when we flush, the stream could spray small drops of urine and faeces on the surrounding surface. If the tablet is not put down, these germs can remain in the air and land on nearby objects such as toothbrushes or towels.

Furthermore, doing so allows you to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors. The use of the bathroom can be a source of unpleasant odours, lowering the toilet seat prevents odors from escaping from the toilet towards the outside. And in a smallish hotel room, it is highly recommended.

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Another thing that should not be underestimated is to protect pets and children. You may have pets or children curiously interested in the contents of your toilet bowl. Always closing the seat will make it more difficult for them to get close to the toilet and risk bacterial contamination.

Overall, there are many reasons why we should develop a habit of always putting down the toilet seat after using the toilet. So remember this good practice to maintain a hygienic environment and avoid unwanted nuisances.

How to disinfect the toilet brush

Cleaning the toilet brush is one necessity for the hygiene of our bathroom. In fact, the toilet brush can accumulate bacteria and germs, which can then spread to the rest of the bathroom. Here are some tips on how to clean it effectively. First, make sure you wear protective gloves during the toilet brush cleaning process. In this way you will be able to avoid any contamination or irritation to the skin of your hands.

Correct cleaning of the toilet brush

Correct cleaning of the toilet brush – wineandfoodtour.it

To eliminate bacteria from the toilet brush, you can use a specific toilet cleaner or add boric acid to the toilet water. Leave it to act for a few minutes before proceeding with the actual washing.

You can also opt for more natural and ecological solutions: for example, you can use white vinegar diluted in hot water or baking soda followed by fresh lemon juice. Finally, remember that the ideal frequency with which you should clean the toilet brush depends on how you use it and how many people are in the house. In general, once a week is recommended, but if you have frequent guests it may be necessary to do it more frequently to maintain high hygiene in your bathroom.

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