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Security, Sicuritalia looking for a thousand employees

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Security, Sicuritalia looking for a thousand employees

In the world of security services, the search for over a thousand new employees is about to begin. Of these, 580 concern organic recruitments, while the others are for holiday replacements in the summer months, from May onwards. The group, which has a turnover of 700 million euros and 17,000 employees, searches in particular for security guards (47% of total searches), trustee service workers (37%) and environmental hygiene operators (13%) in throughout Italy, but particularly in the Lombardy regions which, together with the city of Milan, absorb 34% of the total requests), Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Tuscany and Lazio. For the latter region, the greatest requests mainly concern the summer period.

The sectors

Among the sectors in which the new workers will be employed are insurance, technology, defense and large-scale distribution. The operating areas also include the three main airports in Lombardy: Milan Malpensa, Milan Linate and Bergamo Orio al Serio, and the airports of Venice and Treviso.

The requirements

To apply, the required requirements vary according to profile and client. In general, previous experience in the supervisory sector is required for open positions in large-scale distribution or knowledge of foreign languages ​​for senior management reception positions for big companies.

The requirements are variable for days and hours and are linked to customer needs. Some jobs, specific to the supervisory area, are organized on shifts so as to ensure 24/7 coverage for customers, while others, such as trust services and environmental hygiene operators, follow standard office hours.

The supply-demand mismatch

Even in the security sector, matching supply and demand is less and less easy. The asymmetry that characterizes the labor market also affects private security, according to what emerges from a European study conducted by Coess and disseminated by Anivp, the association belonging to Confedersicurezza and Confcommercio, which represents companies in the sector. It emerges that one out of two of those involved in the supply of services has in fact difficulty in satisfying the requests from the client due to the lack of manpower. The survey also shows that 68% of companies expect labor and skills shortages to be a serious problem for business development over the next five years, 92% of companies report growing difficulties in finding workers, and 70% of social partners believe that future skills shortages will continue over time. This could therefore put a brake on the economic development of a sector where “more than 90,000 employees work, including 40,000 appointed security guards, for a total turnover of around 3.5 billion euros”, explains Marco Stratta, general secretary by Anivp.

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