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Love handles, what to do to get rid of them – you won’t believe the results

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Love handles, what to do to get rid of them – you won’t believe the results

Love handles, here’s what you can do to eliminate them: all the right advice and tips to get back in shape.

Love handles how to get rid of them (Pixabay)


Losing weight is not easy and to achieve results you need sacrifices and a lot of constancy. One of the major problems for all those with excess pounds are the so-called love handles, i.e. those ‘rolls’ on the hips that indicate quite eloquently the need to limit carbohydrate intake as much as possible.

In fact, love handles indicate an accumulation of localized fat, often due either to a sedentary life, or to a gap in assimilating and burning carbohydrates. The first thing to do is obviously to establish eating habits such as to allow you to reach a caloric deficit: it is a condition that allows you to lose weight, but to do so, the calories consumed must be fewer than those we burn. And to burn, of course, you need physical activity.

Love handles, how to remove them

Love handles how to get rid of them (Pixabay)

It is not easy to ingest fewer calories than usual: in fact, we need to follow a diet that allows us to be often light, therefore taking advantage of all those healthy foods that are often often relegated to the fridge or in the various pantries.

Two, the main conditions are essentially two: eat well and train. In this way, all the accumulated fat will disappear if we manage to do it well and continuously, since it takes months to reach a shape suitable for the purpose. The choice of foods and drinks is essential, especially as regards drinks if we don’t want to drink only water: juices, green tea, herbal teas and water with lemon are recommended.

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As far as maximum priority physical activity is concerned during the week: 3-4 times with sessions of about an hour, so as to allow our body to speed up the metabolism and therefore to gradually get closer to the goal, in such a way that with the as the weeks go by, the workouts become easier and easier to carry out so as to allow us to increase the loads and the minutes of the chosen workouts, whether they are cardio or gym.

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