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Reactions of the organism after traumatic events Magazine

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Reactions of the organism after traumatic events  Magazine

Losing or parting with loved ones is difficult for everyone. In addition to strong emotions that occur, our body also knows how to react to traumatic events.

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Heartbreak is associated with the stress or pain one feels after a traumatic event. It is usually about a breakup or the loss of a loved one, experts point out.

Professor cardiologist Nebojša Tasić previously told PRVA TV that emotions affect our heart and explained that they all reflect on it – from the beautiful to the ugly, and stress is the main trigger of many diseases.

As he himself said, the heart can also cry and be sad. Sadness and anger are most reflected on him, and then it can lead to artemia, irregular work and elevated blood pressure. These are some of the ways the body reacts to losing someone:

1. Nausea or loss of appetite

The feeling of losing or breaking up with someone can trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response, says Mark Leary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University. When this happens, the body pumps blood that would otherwise drive digestion into your muscles. This can lead to a feeling of nausea.

2. Repetitive thoughts

After a breakup, you may find yourself replaying what happened and trying to make sense of it. These obsessive thoughts are normal and don’t mean you’re obsessive, said therapist Amy Daramus.

“Our brain naturally wants to think about questions that it cannot understand or comprehend. The therapist advised that instead of asking, “Why did this happen?”, ask yourself the question, “What did I notice when this happened?”

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3. Sleepless nights

Breakups and traumatic events can be quite stressful. According to the National Sleep Foundation, any stressful event can trigger acute insomnia or difficulty sleeping. This occurs because of increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which prevents you from falling into a deep sleep. Experts advise sticking to the same bedtime every night and avoiding caffeine.

4. Broken heart syndrome

This is rare, but some people can experience broken heart syndrome, a sudden event of cardiac arrest caused by extreme stress. When someone experiences the effects of broken heart syndrome, stress hormones “rush” into their heart muscle, temporarily numbing it and causing it to beat irregularly. Then it is important to recognize the signals your body is sending you and to react immediately. Seek the help of a doctor!

5. The skin becomes inflamed

The stress of a broken heart can cause oil glands and skin cells to overgrow, leading to clogged pores that are a breeding ground for pimples, says Josie Howard, Ph.D., clinical instructor of psychology at the University of California, San Francisco.

You might also experience a surge of adrenaline, which could trigger stress-induced hives or an attack if you have an existing skin condition, dermatologist Dr. Debra Luftman told Cosmopolitan.


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