Home » TBE and Lyme disease: Why tick bites are dangerous & how to protect yourself

TBE and Lyme disease: Why tick bites are dangerous & how to protect yourself

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TBE and Lyme disease: Why tick bites are dangerous & how to protect yourself

The tick season in Germany is starting earlier and earlier, and the risks are spreading more and more. Experts warned that their sting can transmit several diseases – above all Lyme disease and TBE, Tick-borne encephalitis. We explain the medical background.

Read here: Tick danger increases – RKI identifies three new TBE risk areas

TBE: Only vaccination can help here

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an inflammation of the brain and meninges caused by viruses. The TBE virus mainly multiplies in small mammals such as mice, it is then transmitted to humans via infected ticks. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates that around five percent of ticks carry TBE viruses in risk areas. However, a risk of illness after a single tick bite cannot be derived from this.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends a TBE vaccination for people who live, work or stay in TBE risk areas for other reasons and are at risk of tick bites.

“TBE can trigger a dangerous inflammation of the meninges, the brain or the spinal cord,” warn the experts at the German Brain Foundation. “Only a vaccination can help. There are no other precautionary measures and no effective treatment either.” People over the age of 50 are therefore considered to be particularly at risk – TBE can even be life-threatening for them.

The Robert Koch Institute publishes one every year Map with the TBE risk areas:

Borreliosis: Treat bites with antibiotics

Borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease or Lyme disease, is caused by bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi), which, according to the Brain Foundation, are found in about every tenth tick. It is by far the most common tick-borne disease in Europe and can occur throughout Germany. Unlike TBE viruses, however, Lyme disease bacteria are not transmitted immediately after the sting. If you remove the tick within 12 hours, the probability of this is very low.

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Most Borrelia infections go unnoticed. But there are also painful symptoms such as nerve pain, sensory disorders, paralysis of the face and arms or legs.

There is no vaccination against Lyme disease – but it can be treated well with antibiotics, according to the website of the Brain Foundation. The sooner you start, the less long-term consequences you will have. Often the body’s defenses can even deal with the bacteria itself, but if in doubt it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

It is also important: “Observe the puncture sites carefully!” Because ticks often bite in places where they are difficult to detect. For example at the hairline, behind the ears, in the back of the knees, under the armpits or in the genital area. “If you have missed a sting, you should keep a close eye on the puncture site for up to two weeks. If a large round reddening of the skin forms there that spreads, you should seek medical advice,” the experts recommend.

5 tips to avoid dangerous tick bites

If you are going for a walk in the forest or on fields and meadows, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Be careful not to come into direct contact with the plants, especially in transition zones from meadows to forests. The ticks sit on the leaves at a height of about half a meter, a maximum of one meter, waiting to be wiped off.
  2. Wear long, light colored trousers and tuck the pant legs into the socks. Not only do you prevent the animals from coming into direct contact with your skin, but you also see when a tick is crawling on you.
  3. Impregnate your clothing if you spend more time in nature.
  4. After spending time in nature, do your research. Animals often crawl around on the skin for hours. They particularly like to stay in damp places, for example in the hollows of the knees, the groin region or the armpits. In children, the head can also be affected.
  5. If you find a tick, remove it immediately. The longer the animal suckles, the more viruses it can release into the body. You can use tick tweezers or tweezers to do this.
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How to properly remove a tick can be seen here:

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