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Napunk has been here for you for one year

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Napunk has been here for you for one year

We launched Denníka N’s Hungarian project called Napunk exactly one year ago. Allow us to briefly summarize what we have done this year thanks to the support of you, the readers.

If you are satisfied with Napunk’s results so far, please support our further activities. By scanning the QR code below in your banking application, you can support Napunk with 20 euros (you can adjust the amount as you wish). We thank you!

We started Napunk because we thought that the Hungarian community in Slovakia deserves journalism that is independent of political and commercial interests and that delivers serious content without tabloids. The editorial office of Napunk was created with the aim of standing by the values ​​of liberal democracy, human and minority rights and good Slovak-Hungarian coexistence.

In the past year, we traveled through southern Slovakia to bring texts directly from the places where our readers live. The result was texts on topics that appear in few media in Slovakia, from the pollution of the Slaná River to the situation of the Roma on Rye Island to the expansion of Oszkár Világi in the vicinity of Štúrov.

Napunk plays an important role in the control of public power in areas that often go unnoticed in the Slovak media. We wrote about the disinformation spread by the Hungarian government’s propaganda about the war in Ukraine and how Hungarian state money flows to Slovakia, we revealed the Slovak government’s plan to redraw the borders of districts and regions, and we explained what is true about the claims of Hungarian and Slovak politicians about the state the Hungarian economy.

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Napunk also organizes public discussions in southern Slovakia, where our guests were ex-chief of police Jaroslav Spišiak, current police chief Štefan Hamran, prime minister Eduard Heger and leading Hungarian historian Ignác Romsics.

The topic of Slovak-Hungarian relations is extremely important to Napunk, which is why we also published two educational magazines in which we refute Slovak-Hungarian historical myths with the help of Hungarian and Slovak experts.

Over the past year, we published more than 1,350 large texts and more than 22,000 short reports in the Minute by Minute section. Every day we bring translations of the most important Slovak texts in Napunk, and you can read a selection of Napunk’s texts in Slovak in Denník N.

2,184 people have so far supported the functioning of Napunk in some form, of which 857 are active subscribers.

We would like to continue this work. The role of independent Hungarian media has become even more important since the creation of Napunk. If you are satisfied with our results so far, on behalf of the editorial staff of Napunk, I ask you to support our further activities.

Thank you.

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