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Soak beards

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Soak beards

The old saying that when you see your neighbor’s beard cut, put yours to soak, it is wonderful to repeat it today in Colombia when it is known that in Chile the Republican party, which groups the right wing, won a sweeping victory on Sunday in the elections of members of the new Constituent Assembly that will meet to draft another Constitution.

In our country we do not have an imminent call to elect a Constituent Assembly, although the president does not lack desire every time he goes out on the balcony.

But in October we will have elections for governors and mayors, deputies and councilors where it will be possible to measure how terrifying the mistakes of Petro and his Historical Pact in national management.

And if Boric, in Chile, fresh and rational although very new, has been declining vertiginously in the approval polls and has just given that result, in Colombia, between now and October with the downturn that President Petro suffers month by month in his acceptance as president (yesterday he only obtained 30%), there would be nothing strange if the failure of the Chilean president is suffered firsthand by that of the Colombians and their candidates.

Of course Colombia is not Chile and in the Colombian right there is no one to unite because since Uribe faltered from his hindquarters like mule mules, the ambition of state contracts prevents his emulors from standing out.

But if in Colombia they founded the Historical Pact to obtain a forceful result bringing together 11 different aspects of the left, and in Chile they were able to curdle the Republican Party, the possibility of opposing a Republican Pact to the Historical Pact in Colombia would lead us to that polarization that we love so much. to be able to vote against and not in favor.

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Only then to the extent that Petro and his followers divide the ruler’s rivals into small pieces into departments and municipalities and do not allow any anti-Petrist national leader to emerge, will what happened in Chile not happen in Colombia.


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