Home » Small developers are growing on the App Store: +64% earnings in two years

Small developers are growing on the App Store: +64% earnings in two years

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Small developers are growing on the App Store: +64% earnings in two years

An independent study conducted by economists at Analysis Group found that small developers on the App Store have grown their businesses and reached more customers around the world, outperforming even the largest developers.

In the Small Business Developers and App Creators on the App Store in 2022 research, Analysis Group economists found that the revenue growth of small developers active on the store since 2020 has been 64%, higher than that of large developers. Small developers – who account for more than 90% of all developers on the App Store – saw earnings increase across all app categories, most notably, health & fitness, sports & lifestyle, and more than doubled their earnings over the past two years. This is mainly because small business owners have found new ways to meet the needs of their users.


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A global market

The research found that the App Store has helped developers grow beyond small team sizes and scale their businesses to reach users around the world. In 2022, nearly 80% of small developers were active on multiple Stores around the world, and approximately 40% of total app downloads by all small developers came from users outside each developer’s home country. Successful companies were born that took advantage of the global reach of the App Store, present in 175 countries and in over 40 languages, and Apple’s installed base of more than 2 billion active devices worldwide.

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Many developers who sold digital goods and services on the App Store and earned more than a million dollars in 2022 were previously small developers. Of these global developers, just five years ago, 40% were either not on the App Store or had less than $10,000 in revenue.

Analysis Group economists also found that in 2022, thousands of new developers and entrepreneurs from around the world arrived on the App Store. Of these new developers, approximately 25% were from Europe, 23% from China, 14% from the US, 4% from Japan, and 35% from other regions. Revenues grew above all in countries like France (122%), UK (58%) and Germany (37%).

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New resources

Apple offers several initiatives to support small developers on the App Store, including the App Store Small Business Program, Apple Entrepreneur Camp, App Accelerators, the App Store Foundations Program and the Apple Developer Academy. In addition, the informative series that are always offered, such as App Store Sessions, Ask Apple and Tech Talks, give developers even more opportunities to connect directly with Cupertino experts for insights, support and feedback.


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