Home » Strength training for the bones: How workouts protect against osteoporosis

Strength training for the bones: How workouts protect against osteoporosis

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Strength training for the bones: How workouts protect against osteoporosis

Bones love exercise – if you do it right. Biomechanist Melanie Haffner-Luntzer is researching at the University of Ulm which training protects against osteoporosis and why stress and obesity are poison for our skeleton.

Ms. Haffner-Luntzer, we all know the phrase: movement makes the bones strong. But why actually?
A bone senses whether we are moving and reacts to stress by building up substance. Its most important sensors are the so-called osteocytes. These are more or less star-shaped cells that are connected to each other via a network. At 80 to 90 percent, they are the most common cell type in healthy bones.

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