Home » Labor informality reached 58.2% between January and March of this year

Labor informality reached 58.2% between January and March of this year

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Labor informality reached 58.2% between January and March of this year

A slight drop of 0.3% percentage points presented labor informality, registering 58.2% of the national total for the January – March 2023 quarter, according to the Dane report.

On the other hand, for the 13 cities and metropolitan areas, this proportion was 42.8%, which represented a decrease of 0.7 percentage points compared to the January – March 2022 quarter (43.5%). In the case of the total of the 23 cities and metropolitan areas, the proportion of informality was located at 44.3%, which meant a decrease of 0.7 percentage points with respect to the same period of the previous year (45.0%).

According to the report, for the national total, the proportion of informal men in the January – March 2023 quarter was 60.5%, which meant a decrease of 0.5 percentage points compared to the same quarter of the previous year. In the case of women, 54.9% are informally employed, compared to the January – March 2022 quarter (54.7%), which implied an increase of 0.2%. For the 13 cities and metropolitan areas, in the January – March 2023 quarter, the proportion of informal women was 41.9%, while for the 23 cities and metropolitan areas this proportion was 43.2%, which represented a decrease of 0 .1 percentage points in each case, compared to the quarter January – March 2022.

On the other hand, of the 23 cities and metropolitan areas, those with the highest proportion of informality were Sincelejo (67.4%), Riohacha (67.3%) and Santa Marta (63.0%), while the cities with The lowest proportion of informality were: Manizales AM (32.7%), Bogotá DC (33.4%) and Medellín AM (40.6%).

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In the national total, for the reported quarter, 85.3% of the employed population that worked in microenterprises was informal, while in small companies, medium-sized companies, and large companies the proportion of informal workers was 23.3%, 8 .0%, and 3.8%, respectively.

On the other hand, the global participation rate (TGP) of the young population in the national total was 55.9%, registering an increase of 0.1% compared to the same period of the previous year (55.9%). The occupancy rate (OT) for the total number of people between 15 and 28 years old was 45.3%, presenting an increase of 1.4% compared to the quarter January – March 2022 (44.0%).

The unemployment rate of the young population stood at 19.0%, registering a decrease of 2.3% compared to the same period in 2022 (21.3%).

The branch of economic activity that concentrated the largest number of employed persons was trade and vehicle repair (19.2%) followed by agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing (15.1%). For its part, accommodation and food services was the branch of activity that contributed the most positively to the variation in occupancy with 1.5 percentage points.

For the national total, the population of young people between 15 and 28 years of age who were neither studying nor employed was 2,927 thousand people. This represented 25.6% of people of working age for that age range. By sex, this relationship for men was 8.6% and for women it was 17.0%.

For the quarter January – March 2023, the unemployment rate for women was 15.1% and for men 9.2%. Across the country, in the January – March 2023 quarter, the difference between men and women in the unemployment rate stood at -5.9%, the employment rate at 25.2%, and the global participation rate at 24 ,4 %.

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The largest gap in the unemployment rate between men and women by geographical domain in the January – March 2023 quarter, occurred in populated centers and dispersed rural areas with -10.1%, followed by other capitals with -6.6%.

Labor force

Between January and March, 36.2% of the total working-age population was out of the labor force. Disaggregated by sex, for men this proportion was 23.5% and for women it was 47.9%.

For the national total, the population outside the labor force dedicated to household trades was located at 56.3%, followed by the population that was dedicated to another activity with 22.3%. For its part, the population outside the labor force that dedicated itself to studying was located at 21.4%.

By sex, the highest percentage of men outside the labor force dedicated themselves to carrying out another activity with 43.6%, followed by those who were studying with 35.2%. On the other hand, women outside the labor force were mostly dedicated to household chores 72.1%, followed by those who dedicated themselves to studying 15.1%.

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