Home » Yellowed spots in the shower and bath – unsightly or a real hygiene problem?

Yellowed spots in the shower and bath – unsightly or a real hygiene problem?

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Yellowed spots in the shower and bath – unsightly or a real hygiene problem?

Over time, all sorts of deposits and thus germs accumulate in the sanitary area. Showers and bathtubs in particular get a lot of it – here you can find out where the yellowish dirt comes from and how you can get rid of it gently.

It’s not nice to look at when the shower and bathtub turn yellowish. On the one hand, this is due to the aging of the material, especially in the case of acrylic or plastic tubs. These become brittle and discolored over time due to UV light, heat and cleaning agents.

You are likely to be annoyed far more regularly by a yellowish film stretching across the white areas. That happens when Limescale from the water mixes with dust, skin flakes and residues of bath additives.

In addition to the optics, this is also not particularly good from a hygienic point of view, because bacteria and fungi can multiply here. In hardware stores or online there are numerous cleaning solutions for showers and bathtubs or expensive special devices such as steam cleaner . You can also try simple home remedies .

Clean yellowed areas in the bathroom

There are several home remedies that you can try. But before you go to the supermarket, try what you already have at home, because there are several options:

  • Baking soda or baking powder: Hobby bakers have these home remedies at hand, which also get a yellowish shower or bathtub clean. Rinse the shower or bath with water and apply baking soda or baking soda all over and let it work for a few hours. With a Microfiber cloth clean the soiled areas and rinse with water.
  • buttermilk: One mug should be enough for a bathtub. Plug the drain of the empty bathtub and use a soft cloth to spread the buttermilk. After half an hour, rinse everything off with water.
  • Salt and Vinegar: Vinegar is a well-known descaler, but cleaning is more effective with a little salt without damaging the surface of the shower or tub. A cup of vinegar (or diluted vinegar essence) and two tablespoons of salt will do. Apply the home remedy and leave it on for a few hours. Then wipe off the residue with a soft cloth.
  • Citric acid: Citric acid is also an effective dirt remover. Mix water and lemon juice in a ratio of 5:1 and the homemade cleaner is ready. Advantage: A long exposure time is not necessary here.
  • Dishwasher tabs: Fill the bathtub and put two to three dishwasher tabs in it. After a few hours of soaking, yellowed areas should come loose. Then just drain the water and polish with a microfiber cloth. Detergent works here too. If it is very dirty, you can also pour it directly into the tub and rub it in.
See also  Living well in Germany

Don’t overdo the cleaning. The right strategy looks like this:

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