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A special envoy from China will visit Ukraine and Russia

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A special envoy from China will visit Ukraine and Russia

The spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, reported this Friday that the special representative for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, will make a series of visits to Ukraine and other countries to hold consultations in the search for a political solution to the conflict. between Kiev and Moscow.

Li’s tour, which will start on May 15, will also take him to Russia, Germany, Poland and France.

The spokesman pointed out that, since the conflict broke out, Beijing “always” has clung to an “objective and impartial” position, showing itself willing to promote peace talks.

Along these lines, Wang stressed that Li’s visit to these countries shows that China is “firmly on the side of peace” and that it wants to continue playing a “constructive” role, with an eye toward “forging more international consensus on a halt to the fire”, picks up the local press.

Li’s tour was announced after Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone with his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, in late April, for the first time since the start of the Russian military operation. Back then, the details of the trip were not detailed.

At the end of February, the Chinese Foreign Ministry published a document proposing a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. The initiative, which includes 12 points, urges to respect the sovereignty of all countries, to cease hostilities, to resume peace talks, to abandon the Cold War mentality and to put an end to unilateral sanctions, among other aspects.

Although Russia praised Beijing’s efforts to promote dialogue, Western countries spoke out against the Chinese plan, defending kyiv’s demands. with RT

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