Home » Waves of demonstrations and strikes across Europe so far this year

Waves of demonstrations and strikes across Europe so far this year

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Waves of demonstrations and strikes across Europe so far this year

European workers have a combative 2023 when it comes to demanding living wages and against the attacks on their working conditions in the midst of galloping inflation.

So far this year, the United Kingdom has been chaining strikes in multiple sectors, and things are not likely to stop in education, health

In Germany, the transport union staged a series of mass strikes in March, the biggest in decades, that nearly brought Europe’s biggest economy to a standstill. And this Sunday, May 14, they return to the charge demanding an increase in salaries that alleviates the effects of inflation that last month reached 7.2%.

In France, there have been protests for months over Macron’s changes to the pension law, which has raised the retirement age by two years bypassing Parliament. Macron says the changes are necessary to make the country’s pension system sustainable in the future. But the unions say that the modifications especially affect women and the most humble sectors.

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