Home » Don’t underestimate bleeding gums—here’s what they could represent

Don’t underestimate bleeding gums—here’s what they could represent

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Don’t underestimate bleeding gums—here’s what they could represent

Do you often get your gums to bleed? See a doctor because it could be more problematic than you think.

Who says bleeding gums aren’t worth considering at all? According to the Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants (SPPI), this is a problem that affects approximately 60% of the population and therefore should not be taken lightly. As reported by the president of SPPI, Cristina Trigo Cabral, gum disease it gets worse after the age of 40 and more than half of people have this type of problem after the age of 65.

Despite what one might think, recognizing the symptoms of periodontitis is of paramount importance. If prevented and treated in time, in fact, the disease is capable of not progressing. And, even, not to cause the total loss of the total.

At this point, however, we already know what you are wondering: how is it possible to recognize the ‘initial phase’ of the disease? Well, the signals are super easy to identify. Not only do the teeth become mobile, but pus appears between them and the gums. In short, signals visible to the naked eye, which require due care.

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According to the specialist, the disease is chronic in nature and can be managed through proper oral hygiene. It needs to be practiced twice a day, every 12 hours, and through regular visits to the dentist twice a year. During these visits, the dentist removes plaque and tartar that build up on the teeth, that cannot be eliminated with daily cleaning.

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What are the risks you run into if you have bleeding gums (tantasalute.it)

The president of SPPI has specified that periodontitis is not only a disease of the gums, but may have an impact on the patient’s overall health. There is scientific evidence showing a relationship between periodontitis and diabetes. This means diabetic patients with periodontitis they may find it difficult to control their condition and viceversa. In addition, the president highlighted those other pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases, which can be aggravated or caused by periodontitis.

The Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants (SPPI) will organize a periodontal health awareness event. The aim is to promote the importance of preventing gum disease through proper oral hygiene.

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