Home » Bad weather, the red alert returns for tomorrow

Bad weather, the red alert returns for tomorrow

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The red alert is back with new rains expected for tomorrow. The new notice issued by the Civil Protection for the whole day of Sunday 14 May illustrates a scenario of maximum hydraulic criticality. The areas already affected in these days are affected: the hills of Bologna and Ravenna and the plain between Bologna, Ravenna and Ferrara, as well as the low hills and the Romagna plain between the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini . In orange the rest of the eastern half of the region, including the Ferrara plain.

Arpae predictions

“From the early hours of Sunday 14 May – reads the alert, based on Arpae forecasts – a disturbed system will bring widespread, at times moderate rainfall over the whole region. The phenomena, which can also take on a stormy nature, will gradually decrease from the afternoon- evening”. “Localized flooding and new rises in the hydrometric levels of the watercourses are expected, which in the hilly basins of the central-eastern sector of the region, affected by significant soil saturation and by flood tails still in progress in the valley stretches, could reach floodplain areas with embankment involvement”. Furthermore, “localized landslides and runoff phenomena will be possible on slopes characterized by particularly fragile hydrogeological conditions, more widespread in the central-eastern sector of the region, also following the extensive and intense rainfall of the previous days”.

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