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Fibromyalgia, what it is and how to recognize it

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Fibromyalgia, what it is and how to recognize it

The fibromyalgia it is known as myofascial pain syndrome.

It is a chronic disease that causes sharp pain spread to different parts of the body accompanied by asthenia and muscle stiffness. It is a syndrome more common among women. It can appear in the course of one’s existence at any age. To it the 12 maggio a day is dedicated throughout Italy. During this day various activities, meetings and conferences were organized aimed at raising public awareness of this disease which unfortunately has not been recognized as a disabling disease and which affects about 3 million Italians.

It is a disease that greatly influences the lifestyle of those affected and which is greatly affected by their psychological conditions. It has no congenital character and is really difficult to diagnose. It manifests itself mostly between the ages of 25 and 55 and is considered the second rheumatic disease more widespread, after osteoarthritis.

How to recognize fibromyalgia

It is not easy to recognize the former symptoms of this disease. It manifests itself above all after a traumatic event of a psychic or physical type but it is not a psychosomatic illness. It is triggered through a widespread perception of pain that spreads to the muscles, tendons and skin. The areas of the body most involved are the shoulders, lumbar area, neck and nape.

The perceived pain increases in intensity gradually and is accompanied by a general tiredness both physical and psychological, since waking up. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by insomnia, anxiety states and gastrointestinal disorders. The causes of this syndrome are not yet known. At present, the scientific community links the appearance of the first symptoms to alterations at the level of neurotransmitters, hormonal imbalances and states of generalized and frequent stress.

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How to treat fibromyalgia

For patients with fibromyalgia there is no specific therapy to follow or preventive measures. It is a disease that inevitably requires a multidisciplinary approach aimed at reducing the perception of acute and difficult to bear pain in leading a qualitative lifestyle. Pharmacological treatment is usually associated with a real educational path for the patient. Thanks to this combination, the patient is able to acquire greater awareness of his own disease and learns to better manage his own routine.

Specialists advise patients to devote themselves tophysical exercise which allows for better pain management thanks to the release of endorphins. Ideal sporting activities are swimming, water aerobics, brisk walking, cycling, yoga and tai-chi. A very useful treatment is that ofacupuncture which is effective in improving pain, asthenia and sleep. This type of therapy is able to make the body release neurotransmitters that perform a precious sedative action as well as improve mood.

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