Home » What Could Happen To Your Body If You Drink Beer Every Night: Incredible Truth

What Could Happen To Your Body If You Drink Beer Every Night: Incredible Truth

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What Could Happen To Your Body If You Drink Beer Every Night: Incredible Truth

Beer is a cool and thirst-quenching drink, drinking beer every night could come as a surprise due to its effects on the body.

The beer has a light and bitter taste, which stimulates salivation and digestion, and which goes well with typical summer foods, such as salads, grilled meats and cold dishes. With the arrival of heat, the intake of beer tends to increase as it helps to counteract the heat and to replenish the liquids lost through sweating.

Beer has a relaxing and social effect, which favors conviviality and fun on typical summer holidays and vacations.

It also has a low alcohol content compared to other alcoholic beverages, which makes it more tolerable by our body when temperatures are high.

Beer styles

The beer is an alcoholic beverage obtained from the fermentation of‘malted barley and flavored with hops. It is one of the oldest and most popular beverages in the world, and it also has several health-promoting properties when consumed in moderation. However, it also has risks and contraindications that must be taken into consideration.

Toast with beer – wineandfoodtour.it

There are many types of beer, which one can classified according to various criteria, such as fermentation, color, taste, alcohol content, ingredients or geographical origin. In general, three major categories of beer can be distinguished based on fermentation:

  • Bottom-fermented beers or lagers.
  • Top-fermented beers or ales are generally dark, full-bodied and aromatic beers.
  • Spontaneously fermented beers or Lambic, are typical beers of Belgium, acidic and fruity.

Within these categories, there are many beer styles that differ in their organoleptic characteristics and production techniques. Some styles are tied to a specification geographical area or a historical tradition.

Vintage beer labels – wineandfoodtour.it

For example the Trappist is an Ale beer style produced by Trappist monks in Belgium and in other countries. It is a dark, strong and complex beer, characterized by a second fermentation in the bottle.

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Benefits of beer

Beer contains water, alcohol, sugars, mineral salts, B vitamins, polyphenols and other substances deriving from malt and hops. These components can confer various positive effects on the organism, hops in fact contains flavonoids, in particular xanthum, which he proved to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Pouring beer – wineandfoodtour.it

Beer taken in moderate quantities thins the blood and prevents the formation of clots in the arteries. It also increases the level of good HDL cholesterol and reduces the bad LDL.

The polyphenols present in beer counteract free radicals and slow down the skin aging process. Furthermore, beer promotes digestion by stimulating gastric secretion and intestinal motility. It also has a purifying and diuretic effect, helping to eliminate toxins and excess liquids. Beer is too source of siliconan important mineral for bone and joint health.

Contraindications on drinking beer

Beer also has its downsides which mainly depend on its ethyl alcohol content. Alcohol is a dangerous substance that can have deleterious effects on the central nervous system, the organ that controls vital functions, the liver, the organ that cleans the blood, the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin, and other organs. vital.

Can also cause physical and psychological dependencealtered behavior and personality, traffic accidents due to loss of reflexes and violence due to loss of inhibitions.

Drink beer every night – wuneandfoodtour.it

The immoderate consumption of beer can also have serious consequences on our brain, accelerating its mental deterioration. This can cause a decrease in water and nutrients in the body and make it easier to become dehydrated. This can also cause irritation of the digestive system and the tissues that cover the mouth, making the gums inflamed and ruining the enamel and shape of the teeth.

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What happens in drinking beer every night

Beer is a popular drink all over the planet, but consuming it every night could be very harmful. Some have proved it researchers at the University of Oxford who have observed how his beer every night favors the onset of a heart attack in old age.

The growth would be very significant and in ten years it will reach 10-15%. If four glasses of beer are consumed every evening, however, according to the same researchers the probability of a heart attack is raised by 35%.

Beer mug with wheat and hops – wineandfoodtour.it

There is a lot of scientific research on the consequences of drinking beer every night and some nutrition specialists there strongly advise against before dinner since on an empty stomach the alcoholic substances present in beer cause inflammation of the digestive tract and stomach and this can cause not only burning sensations but also abdominal swelling and problems in digesting food.

Woman pours water from bottle – wineandfoodtour.it

In the evening before dinner is recommended to drink two glasses of water because it helps to satiate sooner. This is useful for those with weight problems but also for those who are obese because water makes you consume less food and this is especially relevant for dinner. A glass of water before eating also brings the proper hydration of the body and this gets the cells to work and allows the body to start digestion.

No instead to sparkling water, this is because it is less refreshing than the natural one and could contain a lot of sodium and then this water with bubbles activates the gastric juices which could cause digestion difficulties.

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Carbonated water is not of great help to digestion and the feeling of well-being after ingesting it is simply the result of the gas contained within it escaping, which causes belching.

It is not known to everyone but just drink sparkling water it is not good for those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn, ulcers and gastritis, while some people have to avoid it in order not to have the typical abdominal swelling.

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Going back to drinking beer every night, for avoid its negative effects it is important to limit the consumption of beer to moderate and occasional quantities.
We recommend do not exceed 2 glasses per day for men and 1 glass per day for women.

Furthermore, the consumption of beer is not recommended if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have liver or kidney disease, gastritis or ulcers, hypertension or diabetes.

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