Home » In some drinks (very popular) there is an absurd amount of sugar: the list

In some drinks (very popular) there is an absurd amount of sugar: the list

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In some drinks (very popular) there is an absurd amount of sugar: the list

Many sodas we drink today are high in sugar. Let’s find out what they are and their contraindications.

Carbonated soft drinks are widely drunk all over the world because they are considered a refreshing and pleasant drink. In spite, however, of what one might think and imagine, many of these drinks contain a large amount of added sugar, empty calories and artificial chemicals, which can be quite harmful to your health, especially when consumed in excess. In addition to causing, therefore, a feeling of swelling and gastrointestinal disturbances, the gas contained within them can have rather important contraindications for our body.

Yes, we already know what you’re thinking: there are some versions of sodas that contain less sugar and calories, are these bad for you too? Definitely not or, better to say, in smaller quantities than all the others. Even in this case, however, it is always advisable to limit its consumption e choose healthier drinks like water or those with no added sugar.

What are the most sugary drinks?

Therefore, having established that sugary drinks are bad, especially if consumed in excess, it is good to know all those that contain a high level of sugar. Let’s discover them all, even if – we anticipate you – some are truly unthinkable.

What are the fizzy drinks that contain the most sugars (tantasalute.it)
  • The most consumed drink at the moment, or Coca Cola has a high amount of sugar. Only one can contains 39 grams of sugars, while the one liter bottle reaches 108 grams. All this gives an exaggerated calorie intake: a good 400 calories;
  • Red Bull also features a similar amount. Land 250 milliliter cans, think, contain 27 grams of sugars;
  • Also the Nesquik chocolate milk it is no less. A single 240 ml bottle contains 29 grams of sugar;
  • Referring to a quantity of 100 ml per bottle, however, we can realize that in reality orange-flavored carbonated drinks are the most sugary. In fact, for these drinks there are 13.5 g of sugar per 100 ml, instead for Coca Cola 10.6 g.
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According to the World Health Organization, sugar intake should be less than 10% of the daily requirement of an adult. This means that about 50 g of sugar or 10 teaspoons should be taken in a day. A glass of sugary drink can cover almost half of this requirement. Furthermore, sugary drinks don’t fill you up like solid foods, so they only add calories to those already consumed during meals. Basically, drinking sugary drinks means introducing sugars and calories in a hidden way, adding to those coming from solid meals.

Excessive sugar consumption not only affects weight gain, but can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular problems. Intake of sugary foods and drinks causes the blood glucose concentration to rise rapidly, which is reduced through the release of insulin from the pancreas. The accumulation of sugars in the tissues can cause weight gain, but the main problem is the continuous stimulation of insulin secretion, which it can damage the pancreas and lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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