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Murri, the future of nurses Hall named after Longobardi

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Murri, the future of nurses Hall named after Longobardi

‘The talent of nurses. Evolving art and science’ is the slogan chosen this year for International Nurses Day which was celebrated on May 12 throughout the country. Moments of sharing and reflection were also held in the Fermo healthcare facility to evaluate professional commitment during the pandemic crisis, an emergency that highlighted the role of the nurse even more, above all for the precious relationship of trust created with the assisted, in the toughest moments of the pandemic as well as in the daily life of assistance. The nurses of the Ast of Fermo, therefore, met during a symposium organized in the premises of the former theater in via Zeppilli. An opportunity to associate the talent and concerns of nurses for the future. The reports and subsequent debate focused on current issues such as talent and advanced skills, but also dynamics such as violence, the lack of social visibility of nurses, the phenomenon of flight to other countries and not always serene relations with the mass media .

On these latter aspects, comments the director of the health professions, Renato Rocchi, “despite the clear improvement in the perception of the nursing profession among the mass media, which we thank for this, information problems continue to be noted which sometimes lead to misunderstandings tending not to distinguish nurses from whom nurses are not, above all on facts of interest in the news, with consequent damage to the profession and above all, to the relationship between this and the patients.It is no longer sustainable that our country invests so many resources for the training of a nurse who will then work abroad, also suffering damages for the lack of taxation from work”. Guests were the president of the Order of Nurses Luca Moreschini and the director of educational activities of the Univpm nursing degree course in Fermo, Enrico Ceroni who brought their contribution to the discussion. At the end of the scientific and informative part, a short and moving ceremony was held to name the new multimedia classroom after the late Antonino Longobardi, for years a leading figure in Fermo nursing, who recently passed away. To commemorate him, a mural was created in the room that will bear his name, which stands out on one wall of the room, the work of artist Simona Tesei. “It is a technologically advanced workspace available to the health professions service – adds Rocchi – which was made available to us by Commissioner Grinta. For Grinta “the presence of nurses is not a constant only in the health sector, but also in the cultural and social one of the whole community”.

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