Home » 1 Giga Italy Plan, the government advances: “Respect the objectives of the Pnrr”

1 Giga Italy Plan, the government advances: “Respect the objectives of the Pnrr”

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1 Giga Italy Plan, the government advances: “Respect the objectives of the Pnrr”

Chigi sources: “Regulation to maintain Italy’s goal at 1 Giga”

To maintain the commitment made with the Pnrr of the so-called ‘Italy 1 Giga Plan’ “it is the government’s intention to present a regulatory provision that allows the beneficiaries of public contributions to fulfill the obligations established by the existing agreementsalso through changes in connected housing units.

That is keeping the final deadline for carrying out the work unchangedthe total number of connected homes and the total amount of the investment”. So sources from Palazzo Chigi.

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