Home » Alemanno: “The government entrusts Ilva to Fincantieri”

Alemanno: “The government entrusts Ilva to Fincantieri”

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Alemanno: “The government entrusts Ilva to Fincantieri”

“To definitively save the Italian Steelworks, the Government must entrust the former ILVA to the Fincantieri SpA group. This public company is one of the best national champions in the industry and has all the reliability, as well as the interest and competence industrial, to manage Italian steel. Today the government finally seems intent on saving ILVA from the disastrous management of the monopolistic multinational Arcelor Mittal, a management clearly intent on destroying our national steel production. But the statements of the ministers of the Meloni government seem aimed at a reorganization of the steelworks aimed only at selling them off to some new private group, which could not fail to be another foreign multinational. This is in deference to the neo-liberal ideology that obsesses the Italian centre-right. None of the large privatizations carried out in Italy have worked: they have all turned into authentic disasters for our industry. We have always said it: only the State can guide the transformation of Italy’s steelworks into sustainable production plants, without losing employment and strategic supplies for our entire industry. And from this perspective, Fincantieri’s management could be an excellent and long-lasting solution.” So declared Gianni Alemanno, National Secretary of the Independence Movement!

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