Home » Amazon seller made millions in sales – thanks to these products

Amazon seller made millions in sales – thanks to these products

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Amazon seller made millions in sales – thanks to these products

Ben Alistor built up a large passive income with his Amazon shop. provided by Ben Alistor

Ben Alistor started selling tanning gloves through Amazon FBA with his partner as a sideline.

He shares how he made product decisions and how he determined the optimal price point for each product.

Alistor describes the costly mistakes he made and how he fixed them.

This is a machine translation of an article by our US colleagues at Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by a real editor. We welcome feedback at the end of the article.

This article is based on a transcribed conversation with Ben Alistor, a 30-year-old Amazon seller and coach from London, England. Business Insider checked his earnings using documents. The following text has been edited for length and clarity.

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