Home » An X user had his handle “snatched” because of the renaming

An X user had his handle “snatched” because of the renaming

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An X user had his handle “snatched” because of the renaming

(Iconic image) Elon Musk’s Company X. picture alliance / NurPhoto | Jakub Porzycki

Company X took away the @music handle from a user.

Account owner Jeremy Vaught says he’s “super mad” that X suddenly removed his handle.

This came after the company suddenly removed user Gene X Hwang’s “X” handle.

This is a machine translation of an article by our US colleagues at Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by a real editor. We welcome feedback at the end of the article.

Jeremy Vaught, who runs a successful account (455,000 followers) called @music on X (formerly Twitter), is furious. Because Elon Musk’s company took away his handle, i.e. his name on the platform. They emailed him that his handle was now “with the X Corp. connected”.

X apparently took away @music’s handle

The site, formerly known as Twitter Music, now goes by Vaught’s old name and is branded as an affiliate of X. X’s email went on to say that his account would be rebranded to @musicfan and that his previous followers and data would be transferred.

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He says he was given alternatives to choose from including @musicmusic, @music123 and @musiclover. All of these handles are already in use by other X accounts. “I started @music 16 years ago and have been running it ever since. Now Twitter/X just ripped it off,” Vaught tweeted.

„Super pissed.“

Twitters Renamed to X last month left legacy intellectual property related to the group’s previous branding.

X’s @music account is one of several that had to be hastily rebranded due to its affiliation with Twitter. For example, @Twittermovies is now @movies. Previously, users were upset that there might be a renaming to “Xmovies,” which would match the name of a well-known porn site.

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@music’s removal comes a week after the company the user handle @x removed by user Gene X Hwang without asking him. In an email similar to the one Vaught posted, Hwang was told his handle with X Corp. would be associated.

He was offered an exclusive visit to X HQ where he could meet members of the corporate team as well as X merchandise. X did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s request for comment.

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