Home » Barilla, the new supplementary payment arrives: in the three-year period almost 9,000 euros in bonuses

Barilla, the new supplementary payment arrives: in the three-year period almost 9,000 euros in bonuses

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Barilla, the new supplementary payment arrives: in the three-year period almost 9,000 euros in bonuses

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Pending the start of negotiations for the renewal of the national collective labor agreement, Barilla (assisted by the Unione Parmense Industriali) is renewing the supplementary agreement with Fai Cisl, Flai Cgil and Uila Uil, for the three-year period 2023-2025. For Giorgio Grandi, hr director operations and industrial relations Italy, there is satisfaction in the group «for the signing of the Barilla supplementary contract, expression of a structured industrial relations system based on a consolidated, open and constructive comparison model».

The increase in the premium

The agreement concerns the 4,000 Italian employees and on the economic side it provides for an increase in the bonus for objectives of 260 euros, as well as the possibility of converting part of it into welfare, with a 10% increase to be paid by the company on the converted portion. Overall, the prize up for grabs over the three-year period will amount to 8,790 euros.

The partecipation

The agreement confirms the participatory approach of the workers on the strategic choices of the group, the generational turnover and the gradual stabilization of personnel also thanks to the mechanism of communicating vessels.

The centrality of training and sustainability

On health and safety, actions were shared to achieve the “zero accidents” objective and the centrality of training was reaffirmed. An important issue also to support corporate development and competitiveness, enhancing people’s skills and professionalism. In the agreement, the parties also shared a commitment to environmental sustainability, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda. This will lead to scrupulous attention to the quality of products and processes, «made possible also thanks to the sensitivity and involvement of all male and female workers engaged in the production cycle, with a view to continuous improvement, through actions and discussions at the trade union level », explains a unitary note from the trade unions.

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The Solidarity Hours Fund

The new supplement establishes the Solidarity Hours Fund for workers who find themselves in situations of personal or family need, to which the company will contribute with an additional contribution of at least 24 hours for each individual case. In addition, an additional 16 paid hours per year are provided for childcare placement and pediatric visits, and assistance for over 75-year-old parents. “The undersigned – say the national secretariats of Fai Cisl, Flai CGIL and Uila Uil – is the result of important and consolidated industrial relations, and will be submitted to the final evaluation of the workers in the assemblies”.

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