Home » Bolivia, pedophile priests and abuse of 6-year-old children. The thirty explicit photos

Bolivia, pedophile priests and abuse of 6-year-old children. The thirty explicit photos

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Bolivia, pedophile priests and abuse of 6-year-old children.  The thirty explicit photos

Bolivia, President Luis Arce. Photo Lapresse

Bolivia, pedophile priests: a new scandal explodes in the Church

The Church ended up in the center of a new sex scandal. This time it’s about against pedophiles from the Boliviaor more precisely that they exercise their function in the South American country. The issue was raised by the Spanish newspaper El Pais which published an inquiry on a secret diary of the late Spanish Jesuit Alfonso Pedrajasin which he refers to the alleged abuse that he would have perpetrated on dozens of children when he was in charge of the Juan XXIII School in Bolivia since 1971. The trial for the case of the late Jesuit is also underway louis romedenounced by a former member of the Society of Jesus, who requested anonymity, and who based his allegations on about thirty explicit photographs in which he said he recognized the alleged attacker of several children between 6 and 12 years old.

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Bolivian president Luis Arce sent a letter a Pope francesco to inform him of the allegations of sexual abuse and pederasty against several priests and to ask for one revision joint of previous of foreign priests who entered the country. “This situation has resulted in deep pain, rejection and frustration among the Bolivian population, sentiments that I share as head of state of my country”, Arce said in the letter, which was read to the media by the Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada. Arce expresses his repudiation and rejection of these actions and expects something more than “communications” by the institution in question and that action is taken to ensure that there is “justice and that these acts are not committed again using faith and the Church in search of impunity“.

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1 comment

Robert Landbeck May 24, 2023 - 9:23 am

The continuing world wide pedophile priest scandals which have vitually wiped out the moral credibility of the church will ultimately bring it down. For this crisis represents a fundemental misunderstanding of the human condition that is deeply embedded within christian moral dogma and doctrine.


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