Home » Cardinal Zuppi scolds Schlein about the rented uterus

Cardinal Zuppi scolds Schlein about the rented uterus

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Cardinal Zuppi scolds Schlein about the rented uterus

Thus the Catholic-communists go crazy

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi is the powerful head of the Italian bishops who “rules” the Church in Italy as – de facto – vicar of the Pope and indeed has papal aims that are not even so disguised.

I talked about it here

The left had crowned him as its leader, as it had also done with Pope Francis, only to change his mind after several “beat” receipts on migrants.

Indeed Bergoglio he is not a man of the left – but being Argentinean – he is a Peronist and therefore a man of the right close to the people.

Also Giorgia Meloni she had fallen for it at the beginning, in fact in her autobiography “I am Giorgia” she expressed doubts about the figure of Francis, while remaining a Catholic and showing her devotion to the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

But the disappearance of Benedict XVI he overturned the table, unpacking everything.

And so at the beginning of this year the premier was received by the Pope who undoubtedly sided with her to the great disapproval of the left who thought they had found a “natural” ally in Francis.

I talked about it here

Therefore, the beating received by the Democratic Party from Zuppi is not surprising at all, who declared:

«It is wrong to contrast or separate ethical values ​​and social values. They are the same culture of life that springs from one’s own subjective will that comes to justify the so-called surrogacy, which uses the often poor woman to realize the desire of others for parenthood”.

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Likewise in the House Brothers of Italy is proceeding with a law which will further limit surrogacy better known as “surrogate womb”.

The left-wing Catholic communists are going crazy: not only have they lost what seemed like a powerful ally, namely Pope Francis, but the centre-right has acquired him as an ethical symbol of a new course in a complete sharing of values.

Disorientation, irritation, sterile anger, surprise: this is what the new secretary of the Democratic Party experienced, whose figure is faltering more and more.

In fact, the people of the left are realizing that they have elected a person who deals only with LBGT rights, a sort of Pannella in a skirt who, however, does not have the caliber of the original.

It is no coincidence that in Emilia – Romagna, she who is “Bolognese”, is reported to have disappeared, probably due to commitments with her armocromist.

And on migrants the same story. Francesco said that Italy cannot be left alone by Europe to manage the problem. Better late than never.

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