Home » Christian Lindner postpones the submission of the basic budget figures

Christian Lindner postpones the submission of the basic budget figures

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Christian Lindner postpones the submission of the basic budget figures

FMinister of Finance Christian Lindner is postponing the submission of his key figures for the 2024 budget. The FDP politician originally wanted to present the budget plans to the cabinet next Wednesday. The dpa news agency learned on Thursday that he had already informed Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) that this appointment could not be kept.

“We will have to talk about financial realities together again in the cabinet,” said Lindner of the German Press Agency. He expressly does not name a new point in time.

His fellow ministers had announced additional requests of 70 billion euros, for which Lindner sees no leeway in the budget. According to the Ministry of Finance, the risks for the budget have recently increased further. Interest payments, the ongoing collective bargaining and aid for Ukraine are mentioned in this context.

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From left: Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP)

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“The high interest burden is a clear signal to curb the state’s debt,” said Lindner. At the same time, the citizens were already paying high taxes. “So we have to learn to get by with the available financial framework.” Priorities have to be set for this, because not everything can be financed at the same time.

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